The aneurysmal bone cyst of a backbone occurs preferential at people of young age. The main symptom of a cyst of a backbone is severe pain in spin. Localizations of a new growth can be the most various: cyst of chest, cervical, sacral, lumbosacral or lumbar departments of a backbone. In most cases the cyst is formed in the field of arches or roots and only occasionally in a body of vertebrae.
Externally the cyst represents the education inside filled with blood. Hemorrhage and hypodynamic disorder of a bone is the main reason of formation of a cyst. It is followed by emergence of chronic pains in a backbone which can be appeased only use of the anesthetizing drugs.
For diagnosis of a cyst of a backbone it is necessary to conduct a number of researches. To the patient surely appoint a magnetic and resonant and computer tomography, a biopsy, ultrasonography.
As a rule, treatment of a cyst of a backbone is performed only in the surgical way, i.e. make removal of a cyst of a backbone. Undoubtedly, backbone operation is accompanied by development of various complications, however today other alternative way does not exist.
Operation on removal of a cyst of a backbone quite heavy and only very experienced surgeon as it will allow to reduce risk of development of complications as much as possible has to see off it. During operation it is necessary to be extremely attentive as there can be bleeding.
There are two types of an operative measure. At an intra tumoral kyuretirovaniye from a cyst contents are sucked away. However after similar intervention practically there is always a cyst recurrence. Therefore, in order to avoid a recurrence, the most effective treatment is a full excision of a cyst of a backbone. Operation on removal of a cyst of a backbone means opening of a wall of a cyst, suction of liquid from it then there is a full removal of a cover of a cyst.
If backbone operation for any reasons is contraindicated to the patient, then the doctor can direct the patient to passing of a course of radiation therapy or radiotheraphy. Similar procedures mean introduction to a body of a cyst of special drugs. This procedure is also accompanied by a certain risk as it can cause injury of a spinal cord.
If in a backbone not one is observed, and several small cysts, then the patient has to have periodic examination at the surgeon. Sometimes similar small cysts resolve, without use of a certain treatment. If the doctor finds out that cysts begin to increase in sizes, immediate operation or treatment is required.
Perineural cyst of a backbone
The perineural cyst of a backbone represents a new growth in a gleam of the vertebral channel which squeezes spinal nerves, causing severe pain. Similar cysts are filled with preferential cerebrospinal liquid (liquor), and they are formed as a result of expansion of a spinal nerve. There is it, as a rule, owing to a spine injury and disturbance of the movement of liquor. The perineural cyst is called also likvorny or arachnoidal cyst of a backbone. If education small, then the backbone cyst usually does not cause symptoms. But in process of increase, it begins to press on the nerve terminations departing from a spinal cord that is shown in weak or strong neurologic frustration.
The main symptom of a perineural cyst is pain which arises at long sitting, circulation. There is also pain in buttocks, a sacrum and a waist, an abdominal pain and a headache. At the patient problems with a bladder, a lock, a pricking and "running of goosebumps" on ступням and to legs can be observed.
If the cyst in a size reached 1,5 and more than a cm, usually appoint its removal. After opening of a cyst delete its contents, and for merging of a cavity and prevention of a recurrence apply special fibrinous glue. Sometimes the cyst root is completely deleted, capturing also the lamina of a vertebra. These operations are fraught with various complications: loss of likvorny liquid, aseptic procedural or bacterial meningitis.
Nonsurgical treatment of cysts of a backbone consists in purpose of antiinflammatory medicines and methods of physical therapy. Similar treatment allows to reduce backbone cyst symptoms, however before an initiation of treatment consultation with the doctor is necessary.
Periartikulyarny cyst of a backbone
The Periartikulyarny, or para-articular cyst of a backbone is a cyst which is located near a facet joint, departing from it or growing into a yellow sheaf. Treat such cysts a ganglionic and synovial cyst of a backbone.
The synovial cyst is formed on the posterolateral surface of the vertebral channel, and inside is covered by a synovial epithelium.
The ganglionic cyst is preferential formed in a periartikulyarny zone and is not connected with a joint in any way, and also has no synovial epithelium.
The vypiraniye of a synovial bag in an intervertebral joint is the reason of formation of a synovial cyst. The cavity which is filled with synovial fluid is as a result formed. It can be promoted by different factors: congenital anomaly of development of synovial fabric or the inflammatory process changing an intervertebral joint, etc.
The synovial cyst can not have a long time of any symptoms. Preferential she is treated by means of use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, periartikulyarny injections of steroids. If after the carried-out treatment of a cyst of a backbone the patient has a recurrence, appoint operational treatment.
The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.
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