Cyst of a neck of uterus (or Nabotova a cyst) – a disease at which on the surface of a neck of uterus cysts muciferous which are a consequence of inflammatory processes of a cervicitis and endocervicitis are formed. The disease comes to light at visual gynecologic survey, ultrasound examination of a small pelvis and a kolposkopiya.
The internal surface of the channel of a neck of uterus is covered in one layer with a cylindrical epithelium which contains glands developing the special secret called Nabotova of gland. An outside part of a uterus is covered with a flat epithelium without glands which performs protective and barrier functions, without passing an infection in an internal cavity of the uterus.
Diseases of a neck of uterus arise when cylindrical and flat an epithelium change, that is cells of a flat epithelium appear in an internal part of a uterus, and cylindrical – in outside. Decrease in immunity is result of this modification, there is an inflammation and obstruction of Nabotovy glands, and cysts are formed. Cysts of a neck of uterus have an appearance of medium-sized multiple or single hillocks of ochroleucous color of average density which size makes from 1 mm to 2 cm and more.
Symptoms of a cyst of a neck of uterus are absent, course of a disease does not cause either disturbances of a menstrual cycle, or a periods delay, or bloody allocations from a genital tract.
Treatment of a cyst of a neck of uterus begins with the kolposkopiya representing process of piercing of the capsule of a cyst via which contents follow.
The combination of phytotherapeutic homeopathic remedies in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories with physiotherapeutic procedures, such as ultrasonic sanitation of a vagina, vacuum sanitation of the cervical channel and vaginal thermoirrigation by solution of the sanifying means is applied to treatment of recurrent cysts.
Removal of a cyst of a neck of uterus is carried out by means of laser destruction or a radio wave method. Treatment by a radio wave method has to be performed in aseptic conditions once for 1-2 seconds and without serious consequences by the device "Surgitron".
Modern way of removal of a cyst of a neck of uterus is cryotherapy. It is carried out by means of liquid nitrogen which processes an affected area.
Treatment of a cyst of a neck of uterus is possible not only by methods of traditional medicine, but also folk remedies.
Recipes of national treatment of a cyst of a neck of uterus is the following:
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