Vagina cyst – retentsionny roundish formation of a wall of a vagina. Walls of a cyst consist of connecting fabric with sites of muscular tissue, and the internal surface is covered with a cubic, prismatic or cylindrical epithelium. Contents of cystous new growths transparent (mucous or serous), dark brown or yellowish color. The cyst can be located as on the surface of a vagina, and to get into its fabrics, connecting to the cellulose located about a vagina. The cyst of a vagina is observed at one-two percent of patients (preferential young age). Most often this pathology is found in an upper part of a vagina or on its side wall. The size of these new growths can fluctuate from one to ten centimeters.
By origin cysts happen traumatic and inborn. Inborn cysts are diagnosed very seldom. Most often they are located in a vagina sidewall. Traumatic cysts on a wall of a vagina can develop after plastic surgeries, birth trauma, abortions, elimination of puerperal gaps and hems or any injury of a vagina which served as the reason of formation of a hematoma.
Various infections, sexually transmitted can be the cause of formation of a cyst on a wall of a vagina. Sometimes the cyst is formed at non-compliance with hygiene of generative organs. Inborn cysts call a cyst of bartolinovy gland and a cyst of a gartnerov of the course. The new growth of the first look arises at disturbance of outflow of a ferruterous secret as a result of obstruction, fusion or a stenozirovaniye of an output channel. The size of a cyst of bartolinovy gland most often does not exceed three-seven centimeters. The cyst of a gartnerov of the course is formed of sections of the mezzonefralny canal.
The cyst of an entrance of the vagina most often comes to light at routine inspection. The final diagnosis is established after bimanual and vaginal examonation. The doctor has to monitor further development of a cyst. Formation of small cysts proceeds asymptomatically and does not demand surgical treatment. Increase in the sizes of a cyst is followed by emergence of feeling of a foreign subject in a vagina, pathological allocations, and also disturbances of functions of a rectum and bladder. Cyst contents suppuration, infection and an ulceration of covers can be followed by morbidity strengthening, emergence bleach also emergence of symptoms of a colpitis.
From the subject fabrics resort to enucleating of a cystous new growth in case of its rapid growth, emergence or weighting of symptomatology of a cyst. In some cases removal of a cyst of a vagina can be difficult.
Before operation on removal of a cyst of a vagina at a research the surgeon finds out anatomic relationship of a bladder, rectum and cyst of the patient by means of ultrasonography. In addition appoint a kolposkopiya, a microscopic and bacteriological examination of smears.
If the new growth lies very deeply, then the leg of a cyst is deleted not completely. On a leg impose plugs, and cut a cyst. Then the clip is replaced with a ligature.
Now apply marsupialization and puncture aspiration to removal of a cyst of a vagina.
The method of puncture aspiration gives temporary effect. Epithelial cells of walls of a cyst continue to produce liquid which collects over time. This method of treatment of a cyst of a vagina is applicable only at pregnancy (to patients with cysts of the big sizes).
At marsupialization the cyst is cut and emptied, and its walls hem to mucous vaginas. This method is considered the most sparing and safe.
During radical removal mucous cysts cut a slit, and enucleate a new growth in the stupid and acute way. On a bed and mucous then put catgut stitches.
Laparoscopy will be applied when enucleating inborn cysts of a vagina as such cysts quite often grow in parpametralny, paravaginal and a parametric fat. Enucleating of a cyst of a gartnerov of the course can injure a bladder and a rectum.
The cyst of an entrance of the vagina is located close to an entrance therefore it can be found to the touch independently. The section of a cyst of a vagina becomes to the new growth capsule. Now apply oval cuts as at a slit the cyst can burst and its contents will get into a vagina cavity. The oval section allows to separate a cyst of an entrance of the vagina entirely, without damage. The site of skin is accurately occupied nippers and tightened to a section, accurately separating the capsule.
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