Endotserviksom is called a mucous membrane which covers a neck of uterus. On this cover cysts on the cervical channel can be formed.
Cysts of an endotserviks look as cystically expanded glands. Single cysts of an endotserviks can meet, and small cysts of an endotserviks on all cervical channel can be observed. It is possible to define existence of cysts on ultrasonic inspection. Statistically, cysts of an endotserviks are observed practically at each woman of 35-40 years which were earlier giving birth. However cases of developing of cysts at the women of young age who were earlier not giving birth became frequent recently.
The homogeneous structure of a muscular wall of a uterus is considered norm. At earlier giving birth women existence of hyper echoic and anekhogenny inclusions (to 5 and more than a mm) is considered also norm. However hyper echoic inclusions, as a rule, also develop into cysts of an endotserviks. They result from healing of an erosion of a neck of uterus or as a result of obstruction of channels of glands that leads to amassment in these glands of a secret. Preferential cysts of an endotserviks are high-quality therefore do not demand operational surgical intervention. Nevertheless, existence of symptoms of cysts of an endotserviks is a serious reason for detailed inspection of the woman.
Sometimes small cysts of an endotserviks occupy practically all surface of a neck of uterus, however it is not fraught with negative effects for the woman. They practically do not exert a negative impact on ability of the woman to fertilization and incubation of a fruit.
Tservitsita and colpitises are the most common causes of developing of cysts of an endotserviks. Not the last place in their emergence is taken by an erosion of a neck of uterus and its treatment.
There are different diagnostic methods of this disease. The most available and easy way is ultrasonography. The expanded kolposkopiya is considered also quite informative method. The procedure represents survey by means of a special microscope. It allows to study carefully a neck of uterus regarding various new growths.
If the doctor at ultrasonic inspection of the patient has a suspicion on existence of a cyst, then it is directed to an expanded kolposkopiya for the purpose of specification of the diagnosis.
Also for specification of the diagnosis of a cyst of an endotserviks can conduct an onkotsitologichesky research of a smear which will yield more exact results if to carry out it in the second half of a menstrual cycle.
One more quite effective method of a research is FATHERS smears by means of which it is possible to define initial stages of precancerous changes in a neck of uterus. Do a similar smear when using special fixers and composition of paints. For the woman it will be better to pass all stages of inspection as it will help it to learn a condition of the health precisely.
If when carrying out inspection the single cyst of an endotserviks having a high-quality current was found in the woman, then its treatment is not performed. Treatment is shown in cases when cysts are well looked through at visual survey at the gynecologist in mirrors and are located near a vulval zone of a neck of uterus.
Exist as well other types of treatment of cysts of an endotserviks:
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