Cornel – a sort of plants which variety makes about 50 types. A fruit of a cornel of one and all species of a plant represent a stone fruit with 1 - 2 seeds. On taste cornel berry sweet-sour, has the knitting property and juiciness. The cornel as a high bush (4 – 5 meters) with numerous thick branches (trunks) looks. Sometimes the cornel takes the form of a high tree (to 8 meters). The cornel occurs at us in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. He loves the hilly terrain: grows on edges of the woods, along coast of the rivers and it is high in mountains. In decorative gardening also grow up this plant, but the cornel in this option does not represent advantage, and it is even considered moderately poisonous for the person.
Pulp of berries of a cornel on properties is equated to all to the known well of vitamins, blackcurrant. Caloric content of berry makes only 40,4 kcal.
So, the advantage of a cornel is presented by the maintenance of numerous useful components:
Organic acids as a part of a cornel make 3,5%, most of all in it the apple, lemon and seldom found in the nature succinic acid.
The list of the vitamins providing big advantage to a cornel though does not differ in impressive volume, however has significant effect on health:
Only 100 grams of a cornel contain 50 mg of ascorbic acid, this indicator is higher, than even in blackcurrant. Rich properties of a cornel are presented by contents in it numerous mineral salts:
Stones of a cornel consist for 34% from fat essential oils, and roots and bark of a plant are rich with organic acids and tannins.
In cornel leaves the advantage for health is caused by the content of tanning matter. These substances provide property of a cornel as diuretic and cholagogue means. Besides, the advantage of a cornel in leaves is presented by availability of vitamins C and E.
Natural substances phytoncides as a part of a cornel have the following properties extremely important for maintenance of health:
Thus, the regular use of a cornel will help to protect an organism from various viruses, infections and to increase its protective forces.
At problems with digestive tract and digestion the advantage of a cornel is especially notable. At the same time properties of a cornel to affect well work of all digestive tract are used:
1. Improves appetite;
2. Struggles with an indigestion;
3. Normalizes acidity in a stomach;
4. Eliminates heartburn.
The advantage of a cornel causes its use in complex therapy at gastritis of a stomach and duodenum, diseases of kidneys and a liver, gout. It is useful for people to use a cornel with an excess weight, and also that who keeps the figure and is afraid to recover. Properties of a cornel perfectly help to adjust a metabolism in an organism and to lose weight as a result of normalization of a lipometabolism. It also well affects health and gives vital forces.
Key useful property of a cornel is its ability to tone up an organism. For this reason the cornel is recommended to patients at blood diseases (anemia, an anemia) and other problems of circulatory system. The advantage of a cornel in this case provides the following effects:
1. Increase in level of hemoglobin in blood;
2. Strengthening of walls of blood vessels;
3. Normalization of blood pressure.
It is necessary to pick berries late in the fall, then useful properties of a cornel will be maximum. With approach of frosts, taste of a cornel becomes softer and more fragrant.
The mass of useful properties of a cornel is actively used for treatment of the person. So, the high level of content of vitamin C in it provides achievement of the immunostimulating effect.
Cornel berries, and also broths and infusions from leaves, branches and bark of a plant recommend to consume as prevention and treatment of catarrhal diseases. Besides, febrifugal property of a cornel is used for decrease in high temperature at diseases of any character. The huge list of useful properties of a cornel does it by irreplaceable medicine for fight against avitaminosis. The essential advantage of a cornel in berries promotes removal from an organism of uric and oxalic acids. Namely thanks to pectins as a part of berry, process of cleaning of an organism improves.
Property of a cornel to regulate and lower sugar level in blood is used at treatment of a diabetes mellitus. Increasing enzymatic activity of a pancreas, the cornel brings benefit to people with endocrine disturbances.
The cornel is obliged by surprising property to the content of phytoncides: they help an organism to bring heavy metals and toxins out of an organism. Therefore, the advantage of a cornel consists in ability to absorb poisons at serious intoxications (vapors of lead and mercury). Besides, this property of a cornel assumes its use as excellent means for destruction of bacteria and viruses. So, curative properties of a cornel are capable to kill dysenteric and typhus bacteria.
Berries of a cornel have the knitting properties and therefore are recommended as astringent medicine at diarrhea, a diarrhea.
The cornel is used in food in the raw, and also berry is subjected to various culinary processing. So, from it cook compotes, jam, jam and jams. From leaves of a cornel prepare curative broths and infusions. The most valuable on properties the cornel, of course, will be in the raw. For this purpose it is possible to do juice of berries. Magnificent taste and advantage of a cornel are used for preparation of tinctures, wines, syrups, liqueurs.
Compresses from infusion of leaves of a cornel bring benefit at various skin diseases. So, curative properties of a cornel help to cope with dermatitis, eczema. Besides, it is necessary to accept inside such broth for achievement of diuretic and cholagogue effects.
The essential advantage of a cornel contains also in its stones. So, broth from this part of a plant works as demulcent and is shown at neurosises and other mental disorders.
Besides, in the medical purposes also the useful properties of a cornel which are contained in its flowers are used. From them prepare the broth helping at fever.
The cornel, thanks to the knitting and clearing properties, is actively applied in cosmetology, to care of skin and hair.
To do harm, but not advantage the cornel can only in case of individual intolerance of this product.
Besides, you should not abuse a cornel at the following disturbances of health:
It is necessary to remember that at moderate reception the cornel, on the contrary, reduces acidity and calms a nervous system.
Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.
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