Application instruction:
Klamin belongs to the category of the dietary supplements received from a laminaria alga and represents a concentrate of substances of a natural origin. It is one of the first domestic drugs such, it was developed by LLC Fitolon together with scientific research institute of oncology of N. N. Petrov and registered in 1993.
Klamina is the cornerstone the laminaria extract received from lipid fraction of brown seaweed connected to a food enterosorbent (MKTs).
Also are its part: sucrose, lactose, stearate calcium.
Klamin is recommended for the use in cases when in food the iodine deficiency is observed.
Administration of drug interferes with development in an organism of various iodine deficiency disturbances and frustration.
In the majority of iodinated drugs, inorganic compounds of iodine are used. Unlike them, Klamin is a source of iodine of an organic origin.
Iodine is one of the microelements, major for the person, who has to arrive with food daily. It regulates development by a thyroid gland of the hormones contributing to normalization of exchange processes in an organism, to synthesizing of proteins and a hemopoiesis. The daily dose of iodine for children aged up to 10 years makes from 50 to 120 mkg, to children of advanced age, teenagers and adults it is necessary to receive 150 mkg of this microelement daily.
If in an organism the chronic iodine deficiency begins to be observed, it can lead to disturbances and lags in development in children, to decrease in mental capacities, easing of intelligence, decrease in level of working capacity, development of obesity and diseases of endocrine system, increase in risk of development of oncological diseases.
At reception of 3 tablets or 6 capsules of Klamin in day for 100% daily need of the person for iodine is compensated.
Klamin's instruction confirms advantages of reception of iodine in an organic form as iodine is a microelement which does not collect in an organism. It is possible to distinguish the following from all advantages:
The medical reports and comments on Klamin received from leading experts and the medical centers of the Russian Federation allow to draw conclusions that drug well influences an organism of the people belonging to risk group on development at them of diseases which can be estimated as pretumor changes.
From Klamin's reception also treat positive effects:
Klamin is recommended to drink on 3 tablets / 6 capsules in days: 1-2 pieces in 15 minutes before meal three times a day. The course of administration of drug can make of one month before half a year. Courses are repeated at an interval of one-three months.
According to the instruction, Klamin cannot be appointed in cases when individual sensitivity to any of components of drug is observed or at its intolerance.
Also a contraindication to Klamin are conditions of patients at which iodinated additives and medicines are prohibited.
According to responses, Klamin seldom causes negative side effects. Allergic reactions, heartburn (it can be avoided if to accept drug after food), the increased gas generation are sometimes possible. In cases when manifestations of laxative effect are observed, decrease in a daily dosage of dietary supplement is recommended.
Drug is stored in the place protected from hit of direct sunshine at a temperature which is not exceeding 25 degrees. It is suitable within 2 years.
Name of drug
Klamin тбл No. 40, Fitolon/of ICN October (St.-Petersburg)
171 rub.
The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.
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