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Clavicle. General information

The clavicle (Latin of clavicula - "key") represents the pair tubular bone of a shoulder girdle connecting an upper extremity (hand) to other body. The shape of a bone reminds slightly extended letter S.

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The clavicle is located over the first edge. Its outside end fastens to shovel shoots, forming a so-called acromial and clavicular joint, the internal (sternal) end is jointed with a breast, forming a grudino-clavicular joint. Each of such joints becomes stronger by means of sheaves.

To a clavicle a number of muscles fastens. So, the leg грудино - a clavicular and mastoidal muscle is attached to its sternal end that is located on a neck. Deltoid and trapezoid muscles are attached to the outside end. The weak subclavial muscle is located on the lower surface of a clavicle.

Under a clavicle there are large vessels, and also there passes the brachial plexus which is responsible for a hand innervation.

In spite of the fact that the clavicle – one of the first bones in embryonic development beginning ossification process (it comes approximately on the 6th week from the conception moment), this process comes to the end at it only by 20-25 years.

The clavicle despite the fact that treats long bones, has no medullary cavity, that is it has no marrow. At the heart of its origin – a spongy bone with a cover compact.

Functions of a clavicle

Function which the clavicle carries out in an organism:

  • is a part of the mechanism at which the clavicle represents a firm support for fastening of a shovel and a free extremity that allows a hand to have the maximum maneuverability of movements;
  • protection of the cervical and muscular channel (located between a hand and a neck), and also the important structures passing through it;
  • transfer of physical impulses to an axial skeleton from upper extremities.

Injuries of a clavicle

The following belongs to typical injuries of a clavicle:

1. the clavicle fracture, as a rule, is a consequence of falling on a hand or a shoulder. Cases of a fracture of this bone at newborn children when passing in patrimonial ways are known. At a fracture of a clavicle a number of characteristic symptoms is noted: pain in the place of damage right after getting injured, emergence of swellings and hypostases, limitations of movements, lack of an opportunity to raise the injured hand. To define a change with the shift of a clavicle much more simply, than at its absence. In this case change of length of the broken extremity is observed, the shoulder joint also changes the arrangement, visually falling below. Quite often at a fracture of a clavicle sensitivity and mobility of fingers and a hand is lost that indicates injury of nerves and vessels. Treatment is specific, depending on existence or lack of shift of a clavicle at a change. So, at its absence imposing of a rigid fixating bandage, in extreme cases – surgical intervention is recommended. At a change with the shift of a clavicle it is necessary to impose two tires of Kramer connected in one. Difficult changes demand surgical intervention, installation of a special plate, a spoke. As a rule, after treatment prescribe the patient courses of massage or remedial gymnastics for recovery of a physical activity. At adults the broken clavicle grows together within 8 weeks;

2. clavicle dislocation – the phenomenon rather frequent also makes about 5% of all dislocations. As well as the fracture, dislocation of a clavicle is result of falling on the taken-away hand or a shoulder, in rare instances the reason can be in sharp compression of area of nadplechiya. Dislocation can be observed as from the acromial, and sternal ends of a clavicle. At the same time the first meets much more often. The main complaints at damage are: existence of pains in a clavicle, hypostases in the damaged area, protrusion of one of the ends of a bone. The movements of the victim are limited, and the palpation causes pain. Acromial dislocation of a clavicle can be full or incomplete (partial). Depending on it to the victim treatment is appointed. So, at incomplete dislocation the joint immobilization with the subsequent purpose of physiotherapy exercises and physiotreatment is recommended. The complete dislocation of a clavicle demands surgical intervention with fixing by silk thread or a mylar tape. At sternal dislocation existence of pains in a clavicle is also noted, deformation of a joint in the form of protrusion (is noticeable at front sternal dislocation) or sticking (at retrosternal), the movements are held down, the palpation is painful. For the purpose of specification of the made diagnosis radiological inspection is appointed. Treatment is performed by means of imposing of a special figure-of-eight plaster bandage along with operational methods and lavsanoplastiky.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.