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The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 127 rub.

КомпливитComplivit – a vitamin complex.

Pharmacological action

Complivit contains the minerals and vitamins causing pharmacological action of a complex.

Vitamin A is irreplaceable for formation of rhodopsins, integrity of an epithelium, growth of bones.

Thiamin (B1 vitamin) takes part in exchange of carbohydrates, stimulates a nervous system.

Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin) is important for adequate visual perception, cellular respiration.

The pyridoxine (B6 vitamin) as coenzyme participates in development of neurotransmitters and exchange of proteins.

Cyanocobalamine (B12 vitamin) which is a part of Complivit is responsible for development of nucleotides, a myelin, epithelium cells, and also for hemopoiesis process, exchange of folic acid.

Niacinamide – the element participating in carbohydrate metabolism, process of tissue respiration.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is responsible for production of collagen, an odontosis, bones, cartilages. Without this vitamin maturing of erythrocytes and synthesis of hemoglobin cannot be full.

Rutoside Complivit helps with vitamins to passing to oxidizing recovery process, antioxidant action is peculiar to it. Also rutoside is responsible for deposition in vitamin C fabrics.

Pantothenate of calcium helps recovery and formation of an endothelium, epithelium, participates in processes of oxidation and acetylation.

Folic acid is included in Complivit because it is important for development of nucleotides, amino acids, nucleic acids, for a normal erythrogenesis.

Lipoic acid regulates carbohydrate and lipidic exchanges, exerts impact on cholesteric exchange, stimulates hepatic function.

Е vitamin maintains eritrotsitny stability, acts as antioxidant, positively influences muscular, nervous fabrics, gonads.

Iron in vitamins Complivit provides transportation of oxygen in fabric, participates in an erythrogenesis.

Copper serves for prevention of an iron deficiency anemia, air hunger of fabrics and bodies, osteoporosis. Also the element increases elasticity and durability of vessels, exerts impact on proteins of connecting fabric.

Calcium in Complivit is responsible for formation of bone substance, for process of a blood coagulation, transfer of nervous impulses, reductions of unstriated and skeletal muscles. It is irreplaceable for normal work of a myocardium.

Cobalt stimulates protective forces of an organism and metabolic processes.

Manganese is important for strengthening of a cartilaginous and bone tissue, a metabolism.

Zinc is the immunomodulator promoting the best digestion of vitamin A, growth and regeneration of hair.

Magnesium in the Complivit complex normalizes arterial pressure, influences development of a calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, prevents adjournment of calcic salts in kidneys.

Phosphorus is important for strengthening of teeth, a bone tissue.

Complivit is balanced taking into account the daily need of a human body for minerals and vitamins.

Especially good responses about Complivit, applied patients with physical and intellectual exhaustion.

Release form

Vitamins produce Complivit in the form of tablets. Also the complex with the increased content of calcium and the D3 vitamin including in addition – D3 Calcium complivit is developed.

Indications to use of vitamins Complivit

Complivit according to the instruction is appointed for prevention and completion of a lack of mineral substances and vitamins, at the raised intellectual and exercise stresses. Complivit is effective during recovery after the long or hard proceeding diseases.

Good responses about Complivit, applied as a part of complex treatment during an antibioticotherapia.

Komplivitd3 apply to treatment and prevention of deficit of D3 vitamin and/or calcium. Also Komplivitd3 is effective at idiopathic, menopauzny, steroid and senile osteoporosis.


It is impossible to apply complivit at hypersensitivity to components, children to 12 l.

Komplivitd3 it is contraindicated at individual intolerance, at гипервитаминозеД, a hypercalcemia, a hypercalcuria, osteoporosis, a nefrourolitiaza calcic, the tumors decalcifying (a sarcoidosis, a myeloma, metastasises bone), tuberculosis pulmonary, a chronic renal failure.

It is impossible to give Calcium Complivit to children to 3 l. It is necessary to take with caution a complex to pregnant women, the feeding women. There are negative responses about Complivit – its overdose can cause physical, psychological pathologies of development of the child.

Daily dosage of Komplivitd3 for pregnant women – 600ME of D3 vitamin and 1500 mg of calcium.

Application instruction Complivit

Компливит кальций Д3According to the instruction Complivit for prevention of a lack of the minerals and vitamins which are in structure of a complex is drunk on one tablet one р / by days.

For the patients needing the increased consumption of vitamins do appointment – one tablet Complivit two р / days. Therapy lasts four weeks. Repeated courses if necessary can be taken, but according to the recommendation of the doctor. Accept vitamins after food.

The tablets Calcium Complivit can be chewed, it is possible to swallow entirely.

Adults for treatment of osteoporosis accept on one tablet 2-3r/den. For the prevention of osteoporosis take one pill two р / day.

For completion of a lack of D3 and calcium adults, children after 12 l. according to the instruction Complivit take one pill 1-2r/sutki. Children aged 5-12l. have to take 1-2 pill Calcium Complivit a day. For children 3-5l in the instruction Complivit there are no instructions, appointment is done by the pediatrician, proceeding from a condition of the child.

Side effects

There are responses about Complivit, that the vitamin complex can cause an allergy, the dyspepsia which is shown in the form of diarrhea, gastric pains, nausea, a meteorism, a lock. Also Complivit, Komplivitd3 can provoke a hypercalcemia, a hypercalcuria.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Complivit No. 30

127 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Piece tablet 30 D3 calcium complivit

131 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Complivit тбл п / about No. 30, Pharmstandard-Ufavita of joint stock company

133 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Complivit of a tablet of 60 pieces.

142 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

D3 calcium complivit тбл жев orange No. 30, Pharmstandard-Ufavita of joint stock company

151 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Complivit тбл п / about No. 60, Pharmstandard-Ufavita of joint stock company

154 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Piece tablet 30 active complivit

161 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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