Horse-flesh – meat of horses for consumption. Meat of young horses of two - and three-year age is most often eaten. However meat of foals aged from nine months up to one year has the greatest nutritional value, fragrance and tenderness.
Meat of a horse-flesh has specific taste. At the nomadic people this product is a favourite dish. At horses meat quite rigid. That it became soft, it is necessary to cook it not less than two hours.
Horse-flesh – dietary meat which is easily acquired by an organism. In 100 гр. meat 167,1 kcal contain.
Nutrition value on 100 гр. product: fats – 9,9 гр., proteins 19,5 гр., carbohydrates – 0 гр.
In comparison with other types of meat, the horse-flesh contains the greatest number of full-fledged protein – about 20-25%. The composition of water in meat makes about 70-75%, and fat – from 2 to 5%. The advantage of a horse-flesh consists in high content in it such useful substances as sodium, potassium, iron, amino acids, niacinamide, phosphorus, copper, Riboflavinum, thiamin, and also vitamins of group A, B, E, PP.
Researches showed that the advantage of a horse-flesh is shown also in contribution of neutralization of harmful effects and radiation. The nomadic people claimed that the skin of horses at its use in food, is capable to improve a potentiality.
The big percent of advantage of a horse-flesh consists in special characteristics of horse fat. Between vegetable and animal fats he takes the intermediate place and has cholagogue effect.
The frequent use of horse meat after a disease of jaundice with the purpose to recover and normalize work of a liver is recommended. And horse fat found broad application in various cosmetics. In traditional medicine it is used for preparation of curative ointment from burns and frostbites, and also for preparation of drugs for catarrhal diseases.
Horse meat is hypoallergenic and perfectly acquired by a children's organism. Thanks to the high content of vitamins of group B and E it is possible to mark out one more useful property of a horse-flesh – after its consumption blood circulation in an organism considerably improves.
The horse-flesh reduces the content of cholesterol in blood and improves exchange processes in an organism. Therefore properties of a horse-flesh found application in a dietotherapy at ozhireniye.
Fermented milk products of horses (чигян and koumiss) contain a large number important useful components for a human body: acetic and lactic acid, antibiotics. Consumption of these products prevents gastrointestinal diseases and improves digestion. Also fermented milk products of horses fill shortage of ascorbic acid – the vitamin necessary for a normal metabolism in an organism.
Despite the mass of merits, meat of horses does not enjoy wide popularity. For this purpose there are several reasons.
First is a small content of carbohydrates – no more than 1%, and it is the favorable environment for reproduction of various bacteria.
Secondly – meat of a horse-flesh is badly stored.
Meat of horses is contraindicated to the use in the raw as in it the salmonella – the parasite, dangerous to the person, leading to serious consequences up to a lethal outcome can be found. Also meat of horses can serve as a trichinosis carrier – the parasite causing digestive disturbances, and sometimes and bleedings.
Meat of horses, as well as any other meat is not recommended to be used in large numbers. Unlimited consumption of this product increases risk of developing of cardiovascular diseases, and also bone system (osteoporosis).
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