Practically any dermatological disease is followed by emergence of skin rash. Skin is the biggest human organ and therefore disturbances of an internal homeostasis of an organism, than, in effect, are diseases, will lead to its change. Often these changes are shown by rash. Especially often skin rash occurs at children.
Skin rash can be presented by different types. Rashes can be excellent from each other not only outward, but also emergence speed, an arrangement, existence or absence of an itch, etc.
There are following basic primary morphological elements of skin rash:
1. Spot or makula. It is located flush with not changed skin. Appears at disturbances of pigmental exchange, change of vessels, at introduction it is artificial under skin of dyes (a tattoo, etc.). The vascular spot usually has coloring options from dark cherry to light pink. When pressing disappears. Quickly recovers color. Such signs indicate inflammatory character. The spots which resulted from a vascular wall hyperpermeability are called hemorrhagic. The elementary example is bruise. The hemorrhage in skin in the form of points or spots of various form and size occurring owing to destruction of vessels of skin is called a hemorrhage (haemorrhagia). Petechias (petechia) are the smallest or dot hemorrhages. A set of hemorrhages of rounded shape of 2-5 mm in the diameter are described as a hemorrhagic purpura (a rigrig of hayetogghagioe).
Hemorrhages more than 5 mm of irregular shape are called ecchymomas (eshutoses).
Hemorrhagic rashes take place at a typhus, sepsis, hemorrhagic fevers. Star-shaped hemorrhagic skin rash is characteristic of a meningococcemia, sepsis. Also the nevus, telangiectasias, birthmarks, vitiligo (sites of a depigmentation) belong to vascular spots not of inflammatory character.
By the size allocate punctate skin rash in the form of a spot to the 5-10th and krupnopyatnisty with the 10-20th. Punctulate meets at a rubella, krupnopyatnisty can be a symptom of an allergy, measles.
At merge of large spots the erythema - erythema (Latin is formed). It appears at vasodilatation of a subpapillary vascular texture of skin. The size is more than 20 mm. A typical disease with an erythema – an erysipelatous inflammation. Burns of 1 degree are also a look erity. All not inflammatory spots resistant, when pressing do not disappear.
2. Blister or ultrica. Represents rather dense, towering over not changed skin, round or oval element of skin rash. Has no cavity. Itches. It is inclined to bystry emergence. Disappears completely. One of the most typical displays of skin rash in the form of a blister is the trace from a nettle. Often skin rash in the form of blisters meets at allergic reactions.
3. A papule, a small knot - papula. Represents bespolosny, the dense, towering over not changed skin element of skin rash. The size fluctuates from 2 mm to 3 cm. Large papules call plaques.
Depending on the size of a papule can be:
Very often at children it is difficult to distinguish skin rash in the form of papules from rozeolezny.
The papules arising in epidermis owing to a limited thickening of layers of cells are called epidermal flat warts. Also papules can be formed in a derma as a result of development of a tumor, an inflammation, adjournment of organic compounds (xanthomas, thermal papules at syphilis, etc.). Is also epithermal - the thermal papules arising at once from two layers of skin. Meet at red flat herpes, psoriasis, etc. The form of papules depends on a depth and can be flat, polygonal, sharp-pointed, semi-spherical.
Color of a papule depends on the reason of its emergence. So, inflammatory papules have red color. Gray-yellow color is characteristic of cholesteric papules.
This type of rash disappears completely.
4. The hillock or tuberkulum is the dense, bespolostny limited education located above the surface of not changed skin. Has the size of 1-10 mm. It is formed owing to accumulation in a derma of inflammatory infiltrate. It is distinguished from a papule by the fact that at a hillock palpation dense infiltrate accurately is defined. At involution the hillock is exposed to a necrosis, is frequent with an ulceration and education after itself a hem or a cicatricial atrophy of skin. Such type of skin rash meets as manifestation of a leushmaniosis, damage of skin at tuberculosis, and also tertiary and late inborn syphilis.
5. The node or nodus is limited, bespolostny, being deeply in skin consolidation. Towers over not changed skin. The size of nodes fluctuates from hazelnut to the egg size. This type of skin rash at accumulation of cellular infiltrate in a derma or hypodermic cellulose is formed. Nodes of inflammatory character of a pasty consistence or soft, have no clear boundary, are inclined to bystry disappearance and have more often reddish coloring of skin over them. The nodes formed more dense at a specific inflammation are inclined to an ulceration and disintegration. On their place the hem is often formed.
6. The bubble or vesicula is a strip type of skin rash the size the 1-5th. It is formed owing to epidermis amotio. It can be filled with bloody, muddy or transparent contents. Shrinks in a transparent or brown crust. At spontaneous opening the erosion with moknuty is formed. At accession of an infection the bubble turns into a pustule or a pustule (pustula). A characteristic type of skin rash at children in the form of a bubble are rashes at chicken pox. Also rashes at a herpes simplex, an enteroviral infection can be an example.
7. The bubble or bulla is the strip element located in an upper layer of epidermis and under it. Diameter is up to 3-5 cm. Contents can have serous, bloody or purulent character. It can be fallen down or be opened with formation of an erosion. Leaves behind unstable pigmentation. Meets at a herpetiform dermatosis (elements are located under epidermis) and a vulgar pemphigus (bubbles in epidermis).
Secondary types of skin rash are called the elements which are formed from primary, i.e. hyper - or a depigmentation, scales, erosion, grazes, ulcers, etc.
Regardless of that, rash display of a dermatological disease is or not, treatment of skin rash can be divided into 2 look:
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