Characteristic of a diet | Final assessment |
Prodolzhitelnost:2-8 weeks |
3,5 of 5 One of popular options of a proteinaceous diet. Differs from others in need to constantly count carbohydrate units in food that is considered as the accessory disciplining factor. |
Recommended частота:раз in a year | |
Speed of loss of weight:![]() |
Safety:![]() |
Variety of products:![]() |
"The Kremlin diet" concerns to the most popular in Russia. There are different versions of its origin. According to one of versions, it was developed especially for the Russian high-ranking officials – and from here its name. According to other version, the author of this diet – the journalist Evgeny Chernykh who published the report on it in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. He claims that he was only influenced by action of a diet and is not her creator. Anyway, for the long period of existence the diet confirmed the efficiency.
"The Kremlin diet" – a proteinaceous power supply system. It means that protein becomes the main source of energy at it, and the amount of carbohydrates in a diet is limited.
Usually for an organism carbohydrates give energy. At their deficit the organism receives energy from fat, spending its stocks. The effect amplifies at the expense of the big metabolic cost necessary for protein assimilation.
Frequent mistake – small amount of vegetables and fruit in the daily menu that leads to problems with digestion, in particular, to locks.
For "The Kremlin diet" exact calculations therefore kitchen scales will be necessary for weighing of portions and the table of content of carbohydrates in food are required (in 100 g of a product). Carbohydrate unit (c.u.) is taken for unit of their measurement in this diet. 1 c.u. = 1 g of carbohydrates.
"The Kremlin diet" is expected three stages:
Rules of "The Kremlin diet":
Week on "The Kremlin diet" gives the chance to get rid of 3–5 kg of excess weight.
Need to attentively make the menu and to conduct scrupulous calculations disciplines the people inclined to food excesses.
The wide range of the resolved products allows to avoid the boring, uniform menu. – it is authorized to eat the positive moment in the evening that is atypical for diets. All these factors reduce probability of failure.
The lack of carbohydrates negatively affects health. It becomes frequent it the reason of drowsiness, bystry fatigue, the lowered mood and irritability, a headache.
Due to the lack of the tough menu and the choice of dishes according to own preferences the diet can be unbalanced. A frequent mistake – small amount of vegetables and fruit in the daily menu that leads to problems with digestion, in particular, to locks.
For the purpose of prevention of locks during "The Kremlin diet" it is necessary to accept bran.
"The Kremlin diet" is contraindicated to people stressoneustoychivy, having nervous breakdowns, diseases of kidneys, cardiovascular system, a digestive tract.
People with any chronic diseases before a diet need to consult with the doctor.
Salt is resolved, but the quantity it should be minimized.
The approximate menu of one day of the first stage of "The Kremlin diet" (values of c.u. for each product are given in brackets):
Breakfast |
Fried eggs with boiled sausage (1), coffee or tea. |
Lunch |
Vegetable cream soup (9), roast chicken (0). |
Having a snack |
30 g of walnuts (4). |
Dinner |
Beefsteak (0), vegetable mix (6). |
The approximate menu for a week for the second stage:
First day |
Breakfast: 100 g of cheese (1 c.u.), fried eggs from 2 eggs with ham (1 c.u.), tea or black coffee (0 c.u.). Lunch: 250 g of soup from a celery (8 c.u.), 150 g of salad from vegetables with champignons (6 c.u.), a beefsteak (0 c.u.), tea (0 c.u.). Afternoon snack: 50 g of walnuts (6 c.u.). Dinner: 200 g of boiled chicken (0 c.u.), average tomato (6 c.u.). |
Second day |
Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese (5 c.u.), 2 boiled eggs stuffed with mushrooms (1 c.u.), tea (0 c.u.). Lunch: 250 g of Russian cabbage soup with meat and sour cream (6 c.u.), 100 g of a shish kebab (0 c.u.), 100 g of vegetable salad with oil (4 c.u.), black coffee or tea (0 c.u.). Afternoon snack: 200 g of firm cheese (2 c.u.). Dinner: fried chicken breast (0 c.u.), 100 g of a boiled cauliflower (5 c.u.), tea (0 c.u.). |
Third day |
Breakfast: 3 boiled sausages (0 c.u.), 100 g of fried eggplants (5 c.u.), tea (0 c.u.). Lunch: 250th cheese vegetables soup (6 c.u.), 100 g of pork chop (0 c.u.), 100 g of cabbage salad with oil (5 c.u.), black coffee (0 c.u.). Afternoon snack: 10 black olives (2 c.u.). Dinner: 200 g of boiled fish (0 c.u.), average tomato (6 c.u.), glass of kefir (6 c.u.). |
Fourth day |
Breakfast: 4 boiled sausages (3 c.u.), 100 g of salad from a cauliflower (5 c.u.), tea (0 c.u.). Lunch: 250 g of chicken broth (5 c.u.), 100 g of kebab from mutton (0 c.u.), 150 g of vegetable salad with champignons (6 c.u.), coffee (0 c.u.). Afternoon snack: 200 g of firm cheese (2 c.u.). Dinner: 200 g of fried fish (0 c.u.), 200 g of sheet salad (4 c.u.), tea (0 c.u.). |
Fifth day |
Breakfast: an omelet from 4 eggs with grated cheese (3 c.u.), tea (0 c.u.). Lunch: 250 g of celery soup (8 c.u.), cutlet (0 c.u.), 100 g of salad from grated carrots (7 c.u.). Afternoon snack: 30 g of a peanut (5 c.u.). Dinner: 200 g of boiled fish (0 c.u.), 200 g of sheet salad (4 c.u.), 100 g of cheese (1 c.u.), 200 g of dry red wine (2 c.u.). |
Sixth day |
Breakfast: fried eggs from 2 eggs with ham (1 c.u.), 100 g of cheese (1 c.u.), green tea (0 at. е). Lunch: 250 g of fish soup (5 c.u.), 250 g of roast chicken (5 c.u.), 100 g of salad from cabbage with sunflower oil (6 c.u.). Afternoon snack: 50 g of pumpkin sunflower seeds (6 c.u.). Dinner: 200 g of boiled fish (0 c.u.), 100 g of sheet salad (2 c.u.), glass of kefir (6 c.u.). |
Seventh day |
Breakfast: 4 boiled sausages (3 c.u.), 100 g of marrow caviar (8 c.u.). Lunch: 250 g of meat solyanka (5 c.u.), 250 g of chicken grill (0 c.u.), 100 g of salad with cucumbers (3 c.u.), tea (0 c.u.). Afternoon snack: 30 g of walnuts (4 c.u.). Dinner: 200 g of boiled meat (0 c.u.), average tomato (6 c.u.), glass of kefir (6 c.u.). |
Approximate menu of fasting day of the third stage:
Breakfast |
Bran (2 c.u.), mineral water (0 c.u.). |
Lunch |
Beef-infusion broth (0 c.u.), steam cutlets or meat (0 c.u.), green tea (0 c.u.). |
Dinner |
Boiled sausage (0–1,5 c.u.), firm cheese (2 c.u.), meatless vegetable soup (6 c.u.), kefir (6 c.u.). |
Council 1: for prevention of locks during "The Kremlin diet" it is necessary to accept bran.
Council 2: you should not neglect the drinking mode – as well as bran, water allows to bring toxins out of an organism.
The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.
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