Partridges are the birds belonging to group kuroobrazny and to family fazanovy. There are three genus of partridges: mountain patridge (stone partridge), gray and white partridges.
The white partridge weighs from 400 to 900 g and about 35 cm have body length. Received the name for the fact that changes the plumage for snow-white color in the winter that helps it to hide well on snow from predators and hunters. In the rest of the time of year plumage at it brown-brown. Lodge on hills of steppes or on plains. It is considered that meat of females of white partridges the most tasty.
The gray partridge on the weight and a shape of a body practically differs in nothing from her relative described above. Plumage gray with existence on a breast of a brown semicircle. Meat of a gray partridge has dark pink color.
Mountain patridge weight usually does not exceed 400,0 g. They have motley beautiful plumage, most often black-and-white, and paws and a beak at them saturated red color. Meat of mountain patridges very gentle and tasty.
Meat of any kind of partridges sweetish on taste. But it can sometimes have slightly bitterish note which is especially appreciated by gourmets.
Partridges meet in Europe, Asia, America. They inhabit aspen and birchwoods, forest bogs and even the tundra.
The hunting season on partridges lasts from August to January. But because the quantity of individuals of these birds in the nature began to decrease, in many places hunting for them is prohibited. Therefore zoologists of many countries of the world began to be engaged in their artificial cultivation. All this does the meat price of partridges rather high especially as it is considered a delicacy.
The most tasty meat at young birds. Therefore choosing partridges, pay special attention to a condition of skin under wings, the partridge is younger, the it will be more elastic, softer and thinner. If you notice the become wet feathers, and also dark or green stains under wings, then it is necessary to refuse purchase of such carcass since it is obviously not fresh.
And expensive carcasses of partridges at which the shot injured a wing or a pad are considered as the best, and the breast remained whole.
Carcasses most often are on sale in the frozen look. Before preparation the partridge should be drawn. For this purpose it is necessary to cut an abdominal cavity and to take out from there all interiors, without having forgotten to pull out through a section and a craw. Delete eyes and the head together with a neck, turn under the aegis and tie up. Delete claws and carefully clear skin of pads then they are bent on a back and too tie up.
Just before preparation of partridges it is recommended to place small pieces of butter which will protect during heat treatment gentle meat from drying under their skin.
In Russian cuisine of partridges usually fry (пряжат) in a small saucepan on slow fire. Germans prefer to prepare stewed partridges with vegetables. In France from meat of these birds cook nutrient and tasty broths and cook fricassee. Italians use partridges for preparation of salads and also as stuffing ingredient for pies or pizza. Greece of partridges fries and give with boiled vegetables and lemon juice and olive oil sauce.
Partridges it is possible to bake in an oven with vegetables or having stuffed them with acid apples. Usually serve with mashed potatoes them, boiled broccoli, stewed mushrooms, boiled rice. The meat of a partridge seasoned with sauce on the basis of wild berries is very tasty (cowberry, a cranberry, cloudberries). On one portion usually there is one carcass. In most cases on preparation of a partridge about half an hour is required.
Meat of a partridge contains in the structure 18% of protein, 20% of fat and 0,5% of carbohydrates. Its caloric content makes 253,9 kcal on 100,0 g of a product. Meat of this bird contains iron, phosphorus and B12 vitamin. Therefore it contributes to normalization of processes of a hemopoiesis and raises a hemoglobin content in blood. Besides, meat of a partridge is very useful also for a nervous system.
Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.
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