Application instruction:
Ladisang – antidepressant.
Release Ladisang in two dosage forms:
According to the instruction Ladisang – the medicine relating to group of inhibitors of the return serotonin reuptake and noradrenaline. Pharmacological action of Maprotilinum (antidepressant of tetracyclic structure) consists in suspension of the return neyronalny capture of neurotransmitters of serotonin and noradrenaline presynaptic membranes of neurons of a cerebral cortex.
This medicine differs in an optimum combination all of the main properties of antidepressants. Ladisang's use lightens the mood, promotes disappearance of the excited state and sensation of fear, removes the psychomotor block and various somatic disturbances characteristic of the masked depression.
Ladisang quickly enough acts, and the medical effect can be observed already several days later after an initiation of treatment. Besides, according to reviews, Ladisang is very well had by an organism therefore was widely adopted in out-patient practice.
According to the instruction, Ladisang it is reasonable to apply at various depressions:
Appoint Ladisang and at other depressive frustration which are followed by the following symptoms:
According to reviews, Ladisang favorably influences the somatic and psychosomatic frustration arising against the background of sensation of fear or melancholy.
With care appoint drug to patients with an abnormal liver function or kidneys, with the increased intraocular pressure, at frustration of an urination (for example, at prostate diseases).
At prolonged use of Ladisang patients have to carry out regularly an ECG and control function of heart. In particular it concerns patients who have cardiovascular diseases, and patients of old age. The patients inclined to orthostatic hypotonia have to check regularly arterial pressure during drug intake.
It is necessary to consider that, as well as other psychotropic drugs, Ladisang's use are reduced by tolerance to alcohol.
According to reviews, Ladisang in the tableted form can affect negatively psychophysical reactions, especially, if to combine medicine with the alcohol or medicines possessing depressive action on the central nervous system.
When using solution of Ladisang perhaps strong negative impact on psychophysical reactions therefore during treatment patients are forbidden to drive the car and to manage potentially dangerous mechanisms.
Dosages of medicine are selected individually for each patient depending on disease severity. Increase or decrease in an evening dosage due to decrease or increase in a day dose is allowed. It is also possible to accept a daily dose in one step, it is desirable in the evening. On reaching positive effect it is possible to try to lower a medicine dosage, but at manifestation of repeated symptoms of a depression it is recommended to be returned to the previous dose.
Reception of tablets of Ladisang is carried out inside. Preferential they are applied at out-patient treatment of depressions on 25 mg to three times a day or on 25-75 mg once in the evening. If the depression heavy and treatment it is carried out in the conditions of a hospital, then increase in a daily dose up to 150 mg is allowed.
Solution is preferential appointed at svezhevyyavlenny cases of a heavy depression or if treatment by tablets Ladisang did not bring desirable result. The daily dosage at intravenous drop injection makes 25-100 mg. For preparation of solution it is necessary to dissolve contents of 1-2 ampoules in 250 ml of solution of glucose or sodium of chloride and to enter slowly for two hours. If the patient needs to enter higher dose of medicine, time of injection is increased till three o'clock.
As a rule, after the first two weeks of treatment by Ladisang by means of infusional therapy of the patient transfer to peroral treatment.
According to the instruction, Ladisang is contraindicated in the following cases:
In the first trimester of pregnancy use of medicine is strictly forbidden. In general, during pregnancy Ladisang's reception is not recommended unless according to exclusive indications or in the absence of an alternative.
As the operating component of medicine gets into breast milk, for the period of drug use breastfeeding needs to be stopped.
According to reviews, Ladisang in the first days of its use can cause fatigue and anticholinergic effects (a lock, dryness in a mouth, dizziness, accommodation disturbance). Tachycardia and lowering of blood pressure is in rare instances observed. The skin reactions connected with hypersensitivity to Maprotilinum and demanding the termination of administration of drug are sometimes possible.
According to the instruction, Ladisang can cause overdose. Symptoms develop approximately in four hours after taking the medicine and reach a maximum in a day.
It is possible to carry to symptoms of overdose:
In rare instances the overdose can provoke vomiting, cyanosis, fever, an anury, an oliguria, a mydriasis, sweating strengthening.
In case of overdose it is necessary to carry out by drug a symptomatic treatment.
Ladisang in the form of solution and tablets it is necessary to store at the room temperature in the place, dry and unavailable to children. The period of validity makes 5 years.
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