Application instruction:
Laktamil – drug for stimulation of a lactation.
Mix Laktamil thanks to the structure is recommended as additional food to nursing mothers at the beginning of a lactation, at problems with formation of milk.
Drug on the basis of cow's milk is created, also it contains lactogenic herbs: anise, fennel, caraway seeds, nettle, corn, soy, coconut, palm-oil, vitamins: tocopherol, Riboflavinum, ascorbic acid, niacinamide, pantothenic and folic acids, thiamin hydrochloride, Retinolum, mineral substances: zinc sulfate, copper, gland, calcium carbonate, sodium chloride, potassium, potassium citrate, manganese chloride, potassium iodide, and also туарин, pectin, serum proteins.
Energy value of mix – 175 kcal in 200 ml of drink, 9,0 g of proteins, 20,9g carbohydrates, 6,2g fat, 0,7g celluloses.
Laktamil for nursing mothers release in the form of powder.
Laktamil appoint to the feeding women at the problems with production of milk which arose for various reasons: at the beginning of a lactation, because of hormonal failures, stresses and so forth.
There are data that by means of Laktamil it is possible to stop the child's feeding up artificial mix which was begun because of an insufficient lactation at mother and to return to full breastfeeding.
Cook drink from Laktamil's powder just before the use. 40 g of powder which fill in 170 ml boiled warm (40-45 degrees) waters are the share of one portion.
Judging by reviews of Laktamila from the women accepting it, it is enough to use for improvement of a lactation 1-2 portions of drink or dry powder in day. Increase in amount of milk is observed in certain cases after reception of the first portion.
It is possible to store the made drink Laktamil in cold is no more than days. The opened package of powder – is no more than three weeks.
Despite natural composition of mix in Laktamil's instruction it is specified that the recommendation and appointment of the pediatrician before his reception are necessary.
It is not recorded serious side effects of mix. There are reviews of Laktamila, caused rash in the child. Direct link with the use of drink was not established, but possible allergic reactions at mother or the child because of individual intolerance are not excluded.
It is impossible to accept Laktamil for the feeding women at hypersensitivity, intolerance of lactase.
Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.
Aging — natural and inevitable process. Over time our skin loses elasticity, on it saggings, a face form теря are formed...
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