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Laser peeling

The laser peeling represents the cosmetic procedure which is directed to rejuvenation, smoothing of wrinkles and defects of skin, improvement Проведение лазерного пилингаof a condition of the person and a skin relief.

Procedure origin history

The first procedures similar to a peeling were carried out to times of ancient civilizations. In Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece in antiquity polished skin by means of minerals, gemstones, goat milk and a must. For removal of a nevus pigmentosus and roughnesses from skin used lemon juice which gave smoothness and freshness to integuments.

In the 20th century grinding by a laser peeling became the popular procedure at women in many countries of the world. Such peeling allows to remove wrinkles, a post-acne, scars and hems.

The chemical peeling is rather traumatic procedure after which integuments some time remain inflamed, reddened and are shelled. Therefore to replace such procedure the sparing method of a laser peeling which is effective and safe for skin was chosen.

Indications to holding a procedure

The laser peeling is shown to carrying out in the presence of wrinkles of various type, the raised xanthopathy, an acne and a post-acne, seborrhea, hems of various depth, scars and roughnesses. At laser processing warts, birthmarks and papillomas can be removed.

Features of a laser peeling

The laser peeling is the highly effective cosmetic procedure after which within several weeks new collagenic fibers are produced, that is there is a full process of rejuvenation of skin.

In the course of a peeling there is a stimulation of growth of cells, also grinding by a laser peeling allows to modify complexion, to remove extensions and scars.

This procedure is performed within 25 - 30 minutes, and the swelling and erubescences pass within 5-7 days. Large hems and scars delete during several sessions. The laser peeling received positive reviews as the painless and reliable procedure.

Результаты лазерного пилингаNow when holding a procedure use modern laser systems and devices, such as Yakhroma Honey, ELOS, Smartlipo, Galaxy, etc. By means of such equipment it is possible to adjust depth of a peeling and to control processing of integuments. Skin is pointwise influenced by superthin laser beams which affect from 7 to 45% of epidermis for one procedure.

Laser devices allow to carry out the grinding by a laser peeling directed to treatment of problem skin with acne rash, mimic wrinkles and vascular asterisks.

Advantages of a laser peeling

The laser peeling received good comments as the cosmetic procedure with a number of advantages. It is possible to carry to them:

  • low injury of skin which is connected with the sparing peeling of an upper layer and safe updating of skin;
  • good result of rejuvenation which is reached thanks to the laser correction directed to evolution of epidermis and its activation on updating;
  • achievement of effect of lifting as a result of which the face form smoothes out skin damages are eliminated, lifting of skin is carried out;
  • achievement of elasticity of skin and normalization of a water balance;
  • individual correction which has the short period of rehabilitation and high level of safety.

Contraindications of a laser peeling

The laser peeling is contraindicated at oncological diseases, pregnancy and in the period of a lactation, cardiovascular diseases at heavy stages of a current, mental disorders, thrombophlebitis, diseases of blood and existence of skin allergic reactions.

Local contraindications to holding this procedure are deep injuries of skin, inflammatory processes, open wounds, purulent inflammations and outgrowths, chronic herpes, infectious diseases of skin, existence on skin of transplants.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.