Treatment by starvation since ancient times successfully practiced at all people. The cabbala (mystical philosophy of Jews and secret science) also orders starvation. The ancient people carried out starvation for clarification of a body. Druids and priests of Celts passed through a long post by preparation for dedication on higher step of a cult. The great doctor of the East Avicenna quite often appointed to the patients treatment starvation.
The most creative process in a human body by right can be considered digestive process. After absorption food is made small, digested, assimilates, and its remains are removed from an organism. Kidneys, intestines, skin and lungs are responsible for removal of harmful substances in an organism. That all eliminative organs worked fully, the human body has to have certain power potential. The vital energy is necessary for all processes proceeding in an organism. At treatment by starvation the released energy goes for recovery of the major functions of an organism.
It is possible to achieve the maximum success at the correct starvation to five times in a year. At women treatment by starvation for the first time has to continue no more than two days, for the second time – about four days, for the third time – six days, and in remained two times for eight days. Men have three days for the first time, five days for the second time, for seven days in the third, fourth and fifth day.
Between courses of treatment starvation the interval from 40 to 60 days shall be observed. Before carrying out longer starvation (within seven or eight days) it is recommended to repeat a short two-day course.
The immediate result at treatment by starvation is expressed in increase in blood of concentration of carbonic acid, sincaline, a histamine. All these components promote narrowing of veins. This state generates in an organism capillary vacuum – motive force of blood circulation. At the correct starvation motive power of all human body revives.
If after several courses of treatment starvation succeeded to achieve necessary result and there is no desire to conduct the remained courses, then short starvations (3-4 for women and 2-4 days for men) should be repeated in two-three years. In the absence of contraindications without observation of the doctor it is possible to carry out only daily one-day starvation. Courses of long starvation need to be conducted under observation of specialists.
In day before an initiation of treatment starvation for the sake of health it is impossible to eat for the night, to take alcohol, to smoke. Before starvation it is better to adhere to an easy vegetarian diet.
Before starvation for the sake of health you should not load an organism physically. During food abstention it is possible to drink waters so much how many it will want. It is possible to add a little lemon juice to water. It is the best of all to begin in the second half of day or in the evening.
Continuous loss of weight – the main symptom at starvation. The greatest loss of weight is noted during the early period of starvation. Intensity of this symptom of starvation is influenced by internal and external factors (purity and air humidity, an exercise stress, a condition of a nervous system).
At the same time excessively thin people in one-two weeks after the correct starvation put on weight, and excessively full usually are not returned to their former weight.
At the correct starvation of people it is cleared fully. Completeness of forces and energy are felt. Desire to self-improve and lead active lifestyle at treatment by starvation arises in itself.
Allocate several ways of clarification with starvation. This absolute starvation, complete starvation, partial starvation. At absolute starvation water and food are completely excluded from a diet. This type of starvation can be carried out not more often than once a month (for days) and only under observation of the specialist. At a complete starvation food is excluded from a diet. Water can be drunk in unlimited number. The complete starvation can be short (1-3 days), an average (7-10 days) and long (14 days and more). It is impossible to apply this type of food starvation more than 42 days, otherwise it is possible to do irreparable harm to an organism. Average and long starvation can be carried out only with the permission of the doctor. At partial starvation separate products are excluded from a diet.
It is possible to begin clarification with starvation only after consultation with the doctor. You should not forget that abstention from food is a stress for an organism. Treatment by starvation should be begun gradually and it is necessary to leave it too gradually.
Some doctors recommend to do at clarification by starvation daily cleansing enemas with broths of herbs. At treatment by starvation specialists also recommend to take an alternating douche at least twice a day. The shower is necessary to wash away harmful substances which are emitted in the course of clarification from skin.
Medical food abstention is impossible without exercise stresses. For saturation of an organism oxygen it is useful to go daily on foot (not less than two kilometers a day). Also at abstention from food visit of the pool or bathing in a reservoir is recommended.
Treatment by starvation can be carried out at chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, neurocirculatory dystonia on the mixed and hypertensive type, coronary heart disease, a sarcoidosis of lungs of the first and second stage, chronic gastritis or cholecystitis. It is useful to use treatment by starvation at dyskinesia of biliary tract, diseases of a musculoskeletal system of dystrophic and inflammatory genesis, prostate adenoma, skin allergoses, neurosises, depressions.
It is impossible to use treatment by starvation at the expressed deficit of body weight, at malignant tumors, an active pulmonary tuberculosis and other bodies, a bronchoectatic disease, general diseases of blood. It is necessary to refuse food abstention at a thyrotoxicosis, disturbances of a cordial rhythm, thrombophlebitis, urolithic and cholelithiasis, a peptic ulcer of a duodenum and a stomach, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, chronic venous insufficiency. It is impossible to carry out treatment by starvation at children's and senile age, and also during pregnancy and a lactation.
At long starvation for the sake of health it is very important to watch possible symptoms. Symptoms of starvation can be different. During the developing of persistent sinus tachycardia, emergence of signs of the increasing cordial weakness, at repeated orthostatic faints, emergence of the acute renal or hepatic colic reaching an adynamia, the general weakness should interrupt treatment immediately.
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