Main > Drugs> Лимфомиозот


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 451 rub.

Лимфомиозот в ампулахЛимфомиозот – the homeopathic medicine of multicomponent structure influencing an adenoid tissue that causes expediency of its use at a hyperadenosis, hypostases, a hypertrophy of almonds, disturbances of outflow of a lymph, nose congestion, adenoides.

Pharmacological action

Лимфомиозот has lymphatic drainage, detoksikatsionny, antiedematous, antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

The wintering horsetail, yellow gentian, forest pine, garlick Dubrovnik, medicinal Veronika, a field forget-me-not, kirkazonolistny сассапариль, walnut, a knobby figwort, calcium phosphate, sodium sulfate, левотироксинум, a medicinal fumitory, a robertova a geranium, диадематус аранеус, a medicinal water cress and ferrous iodide are a part of drug of Limfomiozot.

Active components of Limfomiozot cause his ability to increase metabolism level, to activate outflow of a lymph from fabrics, to strengthen protective functions of lymph nodes, and also to accelerate removal from intercellular space of toxins. These effects of drug allow to normalize interaction of cells of fabrics with endocrine, nervous and immune systems of an organism. So, activating lymphatic system of intestines, Limfomiozot creates premises for strengthening of local immunity both a mucous membrane of intestines, and mucous membranes of other bodies.

Лимфомиозот, responses confirm, raises a susceptibility of fabrics to effect of other medicines that allows to reduce their doses, and, respectively, and toxic influence on an organism.

Indications to Limfomiozot's use

Лимфомиозот the instruction recommends to apply at:

  • renal, cardiac, lymphatic hypostases, and also hypostases of the fabrics accompanying a diabetes mellitus;
  • growth of fabric (hypertrophy) of lymphatic bodies accompanying such diseases as adenoid hypertrophic disease, hypertrophic pharyngitis, etc.;
  • the diseases of internals of chronic character and allergic diseases causing various skin pathologies;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • intoxications provoked by such chronic diseases as, for example, tonsillitis or tuberculosis;
  • malignant and high-quality new growths which cause disturbances in functioning of fabrics and bodies.

Efficiency of drug at the listed above diseases is confirmed by reviews of Limfomiozota.


Лимфомиозот do not appoint to persons with hypersensitivity to the components which are a part of drug, and also pregnant women and the nursing women.

With care the instruction recommends to apply Limfomiozot at diseases of a thyroid gland that is caused by existence in drug of the component containing iodine.

Лимфомиозот drops under control of the doctor should be accepted to the persons having alcoholism, diseases of a liver or brain and also after a craniocereberal injury that is connected with the content in alcohol drug.

Application instruction of Limfomiozot

Лимфомиозот is issued in the form of the tablets and drops applied inside and also in the form of the solution intended for injections.

Лимфомиозот drops should be accepted or in 15-20 minutes prior to food, or in 60 minutes after meal. Drug before use needs to be dissolved in 1-2 teaspoons of water or in an undiluted look to place a single dose under language. Also Limfomiozot of a drop in number of a daily dose can be parted in a glass of water and small drinks to drink during the day, detaining for several seconds solution in a mouth.

The single dose of drug for adults and children is more senior than 6 years corresponds to 10 drops. Лимфомиозот for children of 3-6 years appoint in a dose of 5 drops at one time, for children of 1-3 years – 3 drops, and for newborns and children 1 years are younger the optimum single dose corresponds to 1-2 drops.

Frequency rate of receptions of drops of Limfomiozot in day – 2-3 times, use duration – 2-5 weeks.

The instruction recommends to accept tablets of Limfomiozot 3 times a day on 3 pieces. Tablets should be put under language before full dissolution, children are allowed to dissolve a single dose in 1 teaspoon of water. Dependence of use of tablets on meal same, as well as at drops.

Лимфомиозот каплиЛимфомиозот the N represents solution which can be entered vnutrikozhno, subcutaneously, intramusculary, intravenously, periartikulyarno (around a joint), vnutrisustavno, by a biopunktura method (into the active points which are directly in the inflammation center), and also in points of acupuncture (acupuncture). For once to adults and children 6 years usually are more senior enter contents of 1 ampoule. A single dose of drug of Limfomiozot for children of 3-6 years 1-3 years – on ¼ ampoules appoint in quantity ½ ampoules, for children, and for children of the first year of life and newborns the amount of solution, the corresponding 1/6 ampoules is considered the most optimum.

According to the instruction, Limfomiozot of N apply 1-2 times a week, however it is in case of need allowed to administer the drug every other day or daily.

Side effects

Лимфомиозот responses characterize as the safe drug which is not making toxic impact on an organism. Allergic reactions to drug use were only in some cases noted.

Additional information

Лимфомиозот will be suitable for use within 5 years if its storage is carried out in the dark place at the room temperature.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Лимфомиозот piece solution 1,1ml 5

451 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Лимфомиозот drops homeopathic 30 ml

539 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Лимфомиозот solution for infection 1.1ml amp No. 5, Biologische Heilmittel Heel

572 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Лимфомиозот drops of 30 ml, Biologische Heilmittel Heel

667 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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