Application instruction:
Leaves of cowberry have valuable curative properties. The most suitable for time for preparation of leaves of cowberry are the periods since April prior to blossoming of a plant and in the fall before the onset of cold weather. This natural means is incorporated by ursin (a natural antiseptic agent), antioxidants, tannins (have the knitting properties), tannins, flavonoids (strengthen walls of capillaries), cinchonic, ellagic and wine acids, vitamin C.
The leaf of cowberry which use is effective at many diseases has antimicrobic, antiseptic, diuretic, soothing, tonic and cardiotonic properties. Leaves of cowberry use in treatment of herpes and influenzal infections, and also use as anti-virus means. Antiinflammatory properties of leaves of cowberry are caused by contents in them a large amount of the benzoic acid.
Use of a leaf of cowberry in the form of infusions and broths is effective at osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritises, at digestive tract diseases. Also this means is useful for diabetics as normalizes the content of sugar in blood. Not the last role is played by use of broth from cowberry leaves at staphylococcal infections.
Leaves of cowberry are used for increase in immunity, at any diseases of a bladder and urinary tract, at a zhelchekamenny disease, hepatitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. This cure and for diseases of an oral cavity helps.
Cowberry leaves at pregnancy for the purpose of removal of hypostases can be used and also as supportive application at treatment of a diabetes mellitus, nephropathy, pyelonephritises.
Cowberry leaves which properties allow to remove an inflammation and irritation of problem skin are applied also at an itch of the head, dandruff, a hair loss.
From leaves of cowberry broth, infusion or tea can be prepared.
For preparation of broth 2 tablespoons of leaves of cowberry undertake, are filled in with 1 glass of hot water (boiled), and then within 30 minutes keep the received mix in the enameled ware on the water bath. It is necessary to cool broth at the room temperature for 10 minutes then liquid is filtered and wrung out from leaves. By water addition the received broth is carried to 200 ml and 2 days are stored in the refrigerator not longer. At an urolithiasis and diseases of a bladder ½ glasses of broth accept in half an hour after food in a warm look two-three times a day.
Broth from cowberry leaves at pregnancy and is applied to prevention of diseases of a bladder, kidneys in volume ¼ glasses once a day.
To prepare infusion, it is necessary to fill in 1 teaspoon of leaves of cowberry of ½ boiling waters, to leave for 2-3 hours then it is necessary to filter and wring out leaves. At rheumatism such infusion is accepted each 6 hours on ½ glasses, and at a zhelchekamenny disease – 4-6 times a day on the 2nd tablespoons. Such infusion at catarrhal diseases and flu is effective.
For giving of cheerfulness, forces, a raising of a tone, mood, strengthening of immunity tea from cowberry leaves prepares: 2 tablespoons of raw materials are filled in with 1 liter of the boiling water and covered. After 10-15 minutes tea is filtered and drunk with honey addition 3-4 times a day.
Despite a set of curative properties, a leaf of cowberry of a contraindication has as well as any other remedy.
Infusions and broths from leaves of cowberry are not appointed to children up to 12 years. Care is necessary when using this means by patients with a stomach hyperoxemia.
It is necessary to remember that leaves of cowberry have diuretic effect and therefore can cause pressure decrease. Administration of drugs of cowberry longer is not recommended than 2-3 weeks to hypotensives. The leaf of cowberry, a contraindication are caused by the content of tannins, is prohibited people with renal failures.
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