Application instruction:
Levzey – fortifying and toning the vegetable drug used at overfatigue, decrease in a potentiality and disorders of the central nervous system.
Working as a natural adaptogen, Levzey has tonic and fortifying effect, increasing resistance of an organism to exercise stresses and adverse environmental factors.
Levzey Saflorovidnaya – a perennial herbaceous plant (Astrovye's family) growing preferential in Mountains Altai in Eastern and Western Siberia and in Central Asia. The plant is widely known in Siberia under the name "maralova grass" or "maraly root".
The root of Levzei is long since used in the Altai medicine thanks to biologically active agents which collect by the end of vegetation – to an ekdisten, essential oils, alkaloids, inulin, sugar, salts of phosphoric acid, tannic and resinous substances and gum.
Levzey Saflorovidnaya it is applied at: intellectual and physical exhaustion, functional disorders of the central nervous system, sleeplessness, breakdown, a diabetes mellitus, during the work in extreme conditions, an alcoholism.
According to Levzey at long reception increases endurance, reduces incidence frequency, improves overall health and memory, increases intellectual working capacity, raises a potentiality and ability to concentration of attention.
The single dose Levzei Saflorovidna has a promoting effect on the central nervous system. Also according to Levzey normalizes arterial pressure at arterial hypotonia.
Most often the root of Levzei is applied as a part of complex therapy at intellectual and physical overfatigue and decrease in working capacity, and also before the forthcoming stresses, examinations, intense and long trips.
To Levzey release in a look:
Levzey it is applied as a part of a combination therapy at:
Also to Levzey apply as the stimulating, tonic, anabolic, wound healing, antidepressant, nootropic, antibacterial, polymicroelement and polyvitaminic agent.
The root of Levzei is a part of products of specialized food of athletes for increase in working capacity by preparation for competitions and accelerations of recovery after the postponed injuries and overloads.
It is contraindicated to apply a root of Levzei at:
Spirit extract of Levzei is contraindicated at an alcoholism.
To Levzey in any dosage forms do not apply at pregnancy, aged up to 12 years, at hypersensitivity to drug and in the period of a lactation.
Drops and extract of Levzei accept till 20-30 drops several times in days during food. From vegetable raw materials prepare solution which is applied on 100 ml to food in the morning and in the afternoon. A pill of Levzei is taken on 1-2 tablet, to 3 times a day.
Reception course – from 2 to 3 weeks.
Extract and tablets of Levzei can cause a sleep disorder therefore they are not recommended to be applied later, than in 3-4 hours prior to a dream.
According to Levzey can cause:
Drugs from a root of Levzei can be bought without medical recipe.
Name of drug
Drug for cough Terpinkod is one of leaders of sales, not because of the medicinal properties at all.
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