Main > Diseases> Lipoma of a mammary gland

Lipoma of a mammary gland

Lipoma of a mammary gland is called the benign tumor proceeding from cells of fatty tissue. The true Липомой молочной железы называется доброкачественная опухольlipoma is formed by mature fatty tissue and outside surrounded with the connective tissue capsule. The lipoma occurs among all nodal new growths of a mammary gland approximately in 10% of cases.


The lipoma of a mammary gland represents the mobile, painless, soft and elastic education having the oval or round form. At localization of a tumor deeply in gland fabrics it usually proves nothing and it is found accidentally when performing ultrasonography or mammography.

In process of the growth the lipoma leads to deformation of a mammary gland, and sometimes is the reason of development of a gigantomasty.

The lipoma practically never regenerates in a malignant tumor, i.e. does not malignizirutsya. In literature isolated cases of development from a liposarcoma lipoma are described.

Lipoma of a mammary gland: symptoms

Now the exact reason causing formation of lipomas is not known. Assume that their growth is connected with disbolism in an organism and, in particular, with processes of a lipolysis (destruction of fatty tissue).

Diagnosis of a lipoma of a mammary gland

The main diagnostic methods of a lipoma of a mammary gland are ultrasonography and mammography.

On a mammogram at a lipoma find the site of an enlightenment having rather accurate equal contours. If necessary carry out aim pictures of the palpated new growth.

At ultrasonography the lipoma is found as the compressed hypoechoic education.

In certain cases the doctor can appoint to the patient carrying out a puncture biopsy of a lipoma of a mammary gland with the subsequent histologic and cytologic research of the received fabric.

Classification of lipomas of a mammary gland

The lipomas located in a mammary gland can have rather dense capsule. They are called knotty lipomas. Much less often the diffusion lipomas which are characterized by growth of fatty tissue without existence of the capsule meet.

The true lipoma consisting only of cells of fatty tissue very soft at a palpation. If fibers of connecting fabric are a part of a tumor, then it becomes much more dense and is called a fibrolipoma. Also allocate an angiolipoma (with the developed network of capillaries), a myxolipoma (with availability of osliznenny fabric) and the myolipoma (containing muscle fibers).

Lipoma of a mammary gland: treatment

The lipoma Некоторые женщины отказываются от проведения оперативного лечения липомы молочной железыrepresents education which independently or as a result of conservative therapy never resolves. Therefore the main method of treatment of lipomas of a mammary gland is their surgical removal. Indications to operation are:

  • The expressed cosmetic defect and deformation of a mammary gland;
  • Fast-growing tumor;
  • Painful lipoma;
  • Gigantomasty (significant increase in the sizes of a mammary gland);
  • Necrosis of tissues of mammary gland;
  • Regeneration of a lipoma in a liposarcoma.

After performing surgical treatment of a lipoma of a mammary gland carry out sanitation of an operational wound, appoint antibacterial and antiinflammatory drugs. For prevention of repeated formation of a lipoma of a mammary gland to the woman appoint the medicines normalizing a metabolism – vitamins, immunomodulators and some homeopathic medicines.

Some women, especially at the small size of a tumor, refuse flatly performing operational treatment of a lipoma of a mammary gland. In this case they have to be under regular observation of the mammologist since, though it is very rare, but the lipoma can pass into a liposarcoma. Each three months it is necessary to conduct ultrasound examination of mammary glands. Time in half a year the woman has to pass mammography and/or thermomammography. In the presence of allocations two times a year do a smear print for carrying out a cytologic research of a nipple. At high risk of a malignancy of a lipoma of a mammary gland it is necessary to take a blood test on onkomarker quarterly.

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