Application instruction:
Lomeksin – local drug with antifungal action.
Lomeksin release in the following dosage forms:
Active agent is a part of 1 capsule: nitrate of a fentikonazol – 200, 600 and 1000 mg.
Auxiliary components:
Structure of a soft gelatinous cover (200/600/1000 mg respectively): gelatin – 185/209/289 mg, glycerin – 90/102/141 mg, titanium dioxide – 3,8/4,8/6,6 mg, methylhydroxysodium benzoate – 0,8/1/1,6 mg; пропилгидроксибензоат sodium – 0,4/0,5/0,7 mg.
Is a part of 100 mg of cream:
Capsules are vaginal:
Cream vaginal:
It is impossible to apply Lomeksin during periods.
Lomeksin (1 capsule or about 5 g of cream) enter deeply into a vagina once a day, it is more preferable – before going to bed, in a prone position.
Capsules on 200 mg apply within 3 days, 600 or 1000 mg – once with repeated use in 3 days (if necessary). Drug in the form of cream is usually appointed a course of 3-6 days.
In case of insufficient efficiency in 10 days it is possible to conduct a repeated course.
As a rule, Lomeksin is had well, side effects have tranzitorny character and drug withdrawals do not demand.
During use of drug the following disturbances can develop:
At long therapy development of a sensitization is possible. In this case it is necessary to stop Lomeksin's use and to see behind consultation a doctor.
In a case lack of effect for 3 weeks it is necessary to interrupt therapy and to specify the diagnosis.
It is reasonable to begin treatment after periods.
To avoid a reinfitsirovaniye it is recommended to carry out simultaneous treatment of the partner by Lomeksin in the form of cream which should be applied on a prepuce and a balanus.
Data on Lomeksin's interaction with other medicines are absent.
To store in the place, unavailable to children. Vaginal to store capsules at a temperature up to 30 °C. Vaginal to store cream at a temperature of 15-25 °C.
Period of validity – 3 years.
Name of drug
Lomeksin капс. вагинальн. 1000 mg No. 1, Catalent Italy S.p.A.
501 rub.
Lomeksin капс. вагинальн. 600 mg No. 2, Catalent Italy S.p.A.
510 rub.
Lomeksin cream вагинальн. 2% 78 g, Rekordati chemical and фарм. S.P.A's industry.
564 rub.
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