Longan is called the evergreen tree and its small round fruits with gentle pinkish or white pulp and musky taste.
Cultivation of a longan practices preferential in Indonesia, Vietnam, China, on the island of Taiwan. Collect fruits all summer – from June to August. Seasonal productivity of a tree a longan – about 200 kg of fruit.
To taste fruits can differ from each other – they happen sweet and acid.
From a longan cook liqueur, snack, desserts.
Tree fruits a longan contain B1, B2, PP, C vitamins, zinc, potassium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, polysaccharides.
The known properties of fruit – antioxidant, tonic, immunostimulating.
Longan caloric content – 60 calories in 100 grams of pulp.
The longan is recommended to use at the exhaustion which is shown dizziness, fatigue, pallor, heartbeat increase, deterioration in sight.
Fruit help also at a bad dream, causeless alarm, overexcitement.
Pulp of a longan is used at disturbances of activity of digestive tract, at cold – she effectively removes heat.
At the regular use of a longan overall health, memory, concentration of attention considerably improve.
Rather low caloric content of a longan gives the chance to include it in a diet of the diets allowing the use of fruit.
The longan has no serious contraindications, only an allergy to fruits.
To buy fresh and really useful product, at the choice it is necessary to pay attention to its outward – the thin skin of fruits has to be whole, dense.
It is not necessary to be afraid to take a longan which lay down some time in the market or in shop – not so tasty svezhesorvanny fruits as those that ripened after that as were removed from a tree. Only, it is necessary to consider that more than three days fruit cannot be stored without refrigerator, and it is only about a week possible to keep them in cold.
The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.
When overcomes feeling of hunger, and an opportunity to have dinner fully is absent, having a snack − small on volume comes to the rescue...
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