Main > Drugs> Lorazepam


Лоразепам – препарат, применяемый для лечения неврозоподобных состоянийLorazepam – the antialarming means applied to treatment of the panic attacks, neurosis-like states and various disturbances caused by a stress.

Pharmacological action

Active agent of Lorazepam renders the central myorelaxation, somnolent, anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant and antiemetic action.

Lorazepam belongs to means of average duration of action which is used for treatment of the panic attacks and for decrease in uneasiness. Lorazepam according to the instruction is not effective at acute crazy, hallucinatory, affective frustration, and at treatment of such psychotic disturbances as a depression or the related alarm, it is not recommended to be applied as the main drug.

Long reception of Lorazepam can result in tolerance and gradual reduction of efficiency, and also to development of medicinal dependence and accustoming.

Release form

Lorazepam is produced in the form of solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration in ampoules on 2 ml containing 4 or 8 mg of active ingredient and also in the form of tablets on 0,5, 1, 2 and 2,5 mg.

Drugs to ENT specialists, Lorafen and Merlit are analogs of Lorazepam and contain the same active ingredient.

Indications to Lorazepam use

According to the instruction Lorazepam should be applied at:

  • Sleep disorders which are caused by alarm or a short-term stressful situation;
  • Epilepsy and the epileptic status, most often as a part of a combination therapy;
  • Psychoreactive states and phobias;
  • Emotional reactive states;
  • Psychosomatic frustration and headaches at respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and other diseases of internals;
  • Endogenous psychoses, including maniacal and catatonic states, and also conditions of alarm and excitement at schizophrenia;
  • Panic frustration;
  • Acute alcoholic deliriums;
  • Neurosises and neurosis-like states;
  • Symptomatic convulsive states.


Contraindications to use of Lorazepam according to the instruction are:

  • Closed-angle glaucoma;
  • Myasthenia;
  • Acute drunkenness;
  • Acute intoxication psychotropic drugs;
  • Hypersensitivity to lorazepam or other components of drug.

Lorazepam in any dosage forms should not be applied at pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, and during breastfeeding. Drug in the form of tablets is appointed from 12 years, in the form of solution for injections – from 18 years.

Besides, Lorazepam should be applied with care at:

  • Suspicion of closed-angle glaucoma and apnoea in a dream;
  • Epilepsies;
  • Porphyrias;
  • Renal failures;
  • Hyperkinesias;
  • Psychoses;
  • Shock;
  • Organic diseases of a brain;
  • Coma;
  • Heavy depression;
  • Serious chronic obstructive illness of lungs;
  • Hypoproteinemias.

Lorazepam route of administration

Лоразепам в таблеткахThe adult usually Lorazepam is appointed in the daily dose 2 mg divided into 3 receptions. At the same time a half of a daily dose is recommended to be accepted in the morning and in the afternoon, and the second half – just before a dream.

Depending on symptoms the dosage of Lorazepam can vary:

  • In neurologic practice – on 1 mg to 3 times a day;
  • For stopping of excitement apply 2 mg of Lorazepam in the form of intravenous injections.

The maximum daily dose at intake makes 10 mg, for intramuscular and intravenous administration the single dose should not exceed 4 mg of Lorazepam.

At sharp cancellation of Lorazepam the abstinence syndrome which is shown as can develop:

  • Sleeplessness;
  • The strengthened alarm;
  • Shiver;
  • Irritability and the strengthened reaction to acoustical, tactile or light irritants;
  • Gastrointestinal frustration;
  • Excitement;
  • Head and muscular pain;
  • Spasms and psychotic states.

It is necessary to be careful at simultaneous use of Lorazepam with the means having the oppressing effect on the central nervous system and with etanolsoderzhashchy drugs as such combination of medicines can lead to development of aggression, psychomotor excitement and pathological intoxication. Also it is necessary to consider that nicotine reduces activity of Lorazepam.

Side effects of Lorazepam

Lorazepam according to the instruction causes side effects seldom and, judging by responses, the therapy which is carried out by drug usually is transferred well. Disturbances belong to the most frequent side effects:

  • The central nervous system, in the form of increased fatigue, muscular weakness, an ataxy, dizziness, amnesia;
  • The alimentary system, shown as a lock, dryness in a mouth, nausea, disturbances of appetite and function of a liver, a dysphagy, diarrhea.

Also use of Lorazepam can lead to changes of a picture of peripheral blood and cause insignificant allergic reactions in the form of an itch and skin rash. At intravenous administration venous thrombosis and phlebitis according to reviews are among the most probable local reactions.

Most often undesirable side effects at therapy by Lorazepam are observed in an initiation of treatment or at exceeding of the drug doses recommended by the instruction.

Storage conditions

Lorazepam belongs to list B medicines with a period of validity of 36 months. It is released only according to the medical recipe.

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