Main > Human organs> Beam bone

Beam bone

Beam bone – the pair bone which is a part of a forearm and located knaruzh and kpered from an ulna.

Лучевая кость: строение, функции

Structure of a beam bone

In a beam bone distinguish:

  • Body of a trihedral form with three edges (front, interosseous and back) and three surfaces (front, back and lateral).
  • Upper and lower epiphysis.

The front surface has a little concave form and in it the nutritious opening which the nutrient canal begins is located.

The smooth back surface is separated from a lateral surface by the rear edge.

Sinews of muscles lie in grooves of a back surface of the lower epiphysis of a beam bone.

Carpal joint surface call the place of a joint of the lower surface of a beam bone with wrist bones.

Fracture of a beam bone

Fracture of a beam bone in "the typical place" – the most often meeting among total number of various fractures of bones of a forearm. As a rule, falling arm-distance is the reason of this injury. At an injury in addition to a change there can be such accompanying damages as:

  • Dislocation of a semi-lunar bone;
  • Change of a navicular and awl-shaped shoot;
  • Ruptures of sheaves (radiocarpal and radioulnar).

Most often elderly people, especially women are subject to changes that is connected with disturbance of exchange processes and development of osteoporosis.

Symptoms of a fracture of beam bone are:

  • Sharp pain;
  • "Forked" curvature of a forearm;
  • Dysfunction of a brush and fingers;
  • Hypostasis.

To establish whether there was a shift of a beam bone at a change it is necessary to make a x-ray film in two projections.

If necessary the traumatologist sets the displaced bone fragments then impose a plaster splint.

Control x-ray films, as a rule, carry out for 10-12 day after an injury (after fall of hypostasis). Sometimes after reduction of hypostasis the extremity is not fixed by rather qualitatively plaster splint that in an effect can lead to the secondary shift of fragments.

At a change without the shift of a beam bone the period of an immobilization (rest) makes from four to five weeks. If the change was followed by shift, gypsum is imposed up to eight weeks.

Posttraumatic dystrophy of a hand belongs to one of the main complications at the shift of a beam bone (differently – Turner's trophoneurosis). Can cause it too closely imposed plaster steak that happens, as a rule, because of increase of hypostasis for several days after an injury.

In certain cases at unstable fractures of a beam bone which tend to the secondary shift of fragments operation which will prevent development of deformation of a hand and a prelum of nerves is required. In some cases carry out an osteotomy with defect substitution by an artificial or bone. As a rule, the plate is deleted in seven months after function of a hand and a shape of a bone is completely recovered.

Rehabilitation after a fracture of a beam bone

Rehabilitation after a fracture of a beam bone is recommended to be begun as soon as possible (right after pain abates). It is desirable to carry out recovery complex which would include not only remedial gymnastics, but also massage, use of the warming ointments and compresses, physical therapy. Besides, for removal of loading some exercises are recommended to be carried out in warm water.

Exercises have to cover all free joints of the injured extremity. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to warm-up of fingers: they should be unclenched and squeezed, and also to collect various small objects (buttons, matches).

It is necessary to carry out all cycle of exercises throughout not less than half an hour on two-three times a day.

Process of recovery after a change is promoted by massage procedures using special ointments and gels:

  • Activating a metabolism in a site of application;
  • Removing an inflammation;
  • Accelerating healing;
  • Stopping pain.

The rehabilitation which is carried out in time after a fracture of a beam bone promotes not only to bystreyshy recovery of functionality of a hand, but also is prevention of development of a trophoneurosis.

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