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Sundrops oil

Sundrops oil – the dietary supplement applied as an additional source of polyunsaturated acids, vitamin E. Now drug also found broad application in complex therapy of gynecologic diseases, in cosmetology, treatment of hair.

Structure, characteristic of the main components

Масло энотеры – биологически активная добавка, применяемая в качестве дополнительного источника полиненасыщенных кислот, витамина ЕOil of a sundrops is produced by cold pressing of seeds of the sundrops belonging to a sort of plants of family Kipreynykh. Vitamin E, fatty acids, gamma linolenic acid are a part of oil.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) regulates reproductive function, is powerful antioxidant, an immunomodulator. Vitamin is not synthesized and does not collect in an organism. The main sources of vitamin E for an organism is food. The imbalance of vitamin leads to disturbance of many functions.

The main properties of vitamin E are:

  • Protecting erythrocytes, improves oxygen transport to fabrics and bodies;
  • Protects cellular membranes from oxidizing damages;
  • Prevents formation of blood clots;
  • Regulates work of a reproductive system (normalizes development of spermatozoa, compensates deficit of estrogen in a female body);
  • The rejuvenating effect for skin;
  • Normalization of a condition of nails and hair;
  • Promotes division and growth of cells (it is appointed during pregnancy).

Regular reception of oil of a sundrops in capsules fills day norm of vitamin E for an organism.

Gamma linolenic acid as a part of oil of a sundrops is a polyunsaturated fatty acid of a row the omega-6 rendering the membranoprotektorny, anti-atherosclerotic, angioprotektorny, immunomodulatory, anesthetizing, antiinflammatory action. This acid regulates function of adrenal glands and gonads, normalizes rheological properties of blood, promotes the fastest angenesis at mechanical injuries, to bystry healing of ulcers. Gamma linolenic acid activates metabolism of a brain.

Gamma linolenic acid is not synthesized in an organism. However she takes part in synthesis of prostaglandins – physiologically active lipidic agents regulating the vital functions in an organism (normalization of gastric secretion, reduction of a uterus at pregnancy, stimulation of reduction of smooth muscles of a GIT and other).

GLK is necessary at a hypoglycemia, a diabetes mellitus, and also is applied in therapy of diseases and correction of the following states:

  • Hypertension, ischemic heart disease;
  • Rehabilitation processes after the postponed viral and bacteriological infections;
  • Therapy of joints (arthritises, arthroses);
  • Female frigidity, disturbances of menstrual cycles;
  • Correction of frustration of TsNS which are followed by lowering of the level of mental energy, intellectual functions;
  • Depressions, syndrome of chronic fatigue, apathy, irritability;
  • Migraines of not clear genesis;
  • Prevention of oncological diseases;
  • Normalization of the general state after surgical interventions.

Capsules of oil of a sundrops contain enough gamma linolenic acid for completion of its balance in an organism.

Thanks to the unique structure oil of a sundrops is an alternative source of polyunsaturated acids and vitamin E for achievement of therapeutic effect.

Use, side effects, contraindications

Oil of a sundrops has unique properties thanks to the high content of vitamins and acids. Oil of seeds of a sundrops is not applied as medicine, however it is recommended to use as dietary supplement.

Sundrops oil which use is not limited (has practically no contraindications), is used for:

  • Stopping of symptoms of a premenstrual syndrome, climacteric frustration (active agents of oil normalize hormonal balance in the woman's organism, participating in synthesis of sex hormones, prevent inflammatory processes, development of endometriosis);
  • Stopping of the symptoms of a men's climax connected with decrease in production of sex hormones;
  • Normalization of reproductive function of an organism;
  • Therapy of depressions;
  • Treatment of skin diseases (ekzemny, allergic character);
  • Normalization of exchange processes;
  • GIT function normalization;
  • Increase in protective functions of an organism;
  • Weight loss;
  • Normalization of a condition of skin, nails, hair.

Масло энотеры обладает уникальными свойствами благодаря высокому содержанию витаминов и кислотThe main contraindication for use of oil of a sundrops is the individual intolerance of components of drug. However allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Sundrops oil which use needs to be coordinated with the attending physician is safe drug.

For convenience of use oil of a sundrops is produced in gelatin capsules on 500 mg, and also in Solutio oleosa more convenient in use for cosmetic procedures.

Some sources indicate efficiency of oil of a sundrops in treatment of new growths of malignant and high-quality character, however there are no scientific confirmations to this fact.

Oil of a sundrops is often applied to fortifying effect, to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, normalization of arterial pressure. Today all range of curative properties of drug still remains not studied.

Oil of a sundrops is applied on 1-2 capsules 2 times a day for 4 weeks. The main side effects can be shown on condition of exceeding of an admissible dosage. Side effects are defined by reaction of a GIT to drug: nausea, heartburn, stomach ache and intestines, frustration. In rare instances vomiting opens. At detection of allergic reactions or side effects it is necessary to stop immediately administration of drug and to ask for the qualified help.

Responses of patients, recommendations to use

Oil of a sundrops is applied both in preventive, and in the therapeutic purposes. Dietary supplement is effective and safe, allowed children of 12 years. Drug has practically no contraindications. However responses of some patients position sundrops oil as the useless additive to food which is not rendering any effect. This fact is explained by the fact that at normal functioning of an organism drug gives fortifying support, it is almost impossible to feel its effect. Sundrops oil, reviews of which speak about efficiency of drug, helps to normalize exchange processes. Many patients point to considerable weight reduction. Women note an easy current of periods without pains, lack of a premenstrual syndrome and differences of mood, normalization of a hormonal background. Many women accept drug for relief of symptoms of a climax. Long reception of oil favorably influences a condition of skin, a hair, nails.

Dietary supplement is applied in complex therapy as the strengthening and supportive application, but cannot independently be applied.

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