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Oil camphoric

Камфорное дерево

Oil camphoric – vegetable means which is applied in medicine, cosmetology.

Pharmacological action

Camphoric oil is extracted from wood of a tropical camphoric tree, it renders the antiinflammatory, local irritative, anesthetizing, antiseptic action.

Means improves healing of fabrics and bodies, and at hypodermic administration of oil the vasomotor and respiratory centers of a brain are stimulated, in a myocardium exchange processes amplify, the tone of venous vessels raises and the volume of the blood arriving to heart increases, blood supply of lungs and a brain improves.

Treatment by camphoric oil is effective at cough since means helps to remove a phlegm.

Thanks to the drying, antiinflammatory action of means successfully use oil camphoric for hair.

Release form

Produce oil camphoric in the form of oil and spirit solution, in the form of ointment.

Indications to use of camphoric oil

External use of oil camphoric is shown at neuralgia, a miositis, radiculitis, a sciatica, an arthralgia, a mialgiya, ear pains, for prevention of emergence of decubituses.

Subcutaneously oil is entered at a collapse, at poisoning with somnolent drugs or opioid analgetics, at oppression of a respiratory center at infections, at heart failure.

Camphoric hair oil is applied when it is necessary to recover their growth, to eliminate fat content and fragility, to remove an inflammation on head skin.


The patient cannot appoint treatment camphoric oil with hypersensitivity to means, at epilepsy (hypodermic introduction). External use of oil camphoric is contraindicated at disturbances of integrity of integuments.

Despite widespread recommendations to dig in camphoric oil in an ear, do not recommend to do it - because of danger of developing of burns, deterioration in hearing, an aseptic inflammation.

Children cannot appoint camphoric oil up to two years. Vapors of oil are easily absorbed mucous, the child's skin that can provoke poisoning. Especially contraindicated camphoric oil to the children having epilepsy – oil and products it containing can provoke an epileptic seizure, spasms.

Application instruction of oil camphoric

Apply compresses with camphoric oil to treatment of diseases of a musculoskeletal system: moisten a gauze napkin, impose on painfully place, cover with cellophane and slightly bandage. Hold a bandage about days then change.

For healing of purulent wounds, tumors, injuries, dislocations with cyanosis and hypostasis foment with oil. After three, four days pain passes, and wounds drag on.

For prevention of decubituses and an intertrigo camphoric oil the patient's body after holding hygienic procedures.

For removal of pains in ears it is undesirable to do an instillation of camphoric oil in an ear – foment with oil on area around a sore ear.

For treatment of cough it is possible to accept oil inside – four drops mix with milk and accept two р / day.

To hair oil camphoric is applied as a part of masks and shampoos of house production.

For an oily hair do shampoo of one yolk egg, two spoons of the water purified and 0,5 teaspoons of oil camphoric. Weight is applied on wet hair, held two, three minutes, washed away.

Масло камфорноеFor dry hair mix one egg yolk, one tablespoon of burdock oil, five drops of camphoric oil and three - oils of a tree tea. Constantly it is impossible to use shampoo – only when on head skin there is an inflammation or irritation.

To stimulation of growth of hair camphoric oil is applied in the form of a mask: connect a yolk egg, break one spoon of the Art. of sesame oil, four drops of oil, 0,5 spoons of h camphoric it is small also one teaspoon of tincture of pepper burning. Keep a mask on hair under cellophane and a towel 30-40min. Procedures are carried out by two р / week. A course of treatment – 10-12 procedures.

Camphoric oil to children is appointed in the form of grindings and compresses.

Side effects

External use of camphoric oil can cause an allergy on skin, irritation.

At hypodermic introduction there can be dizziness, a fatty embolism (if oil gets to a vessel), a headache, a paraffinoma in the place of a prick.

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