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Pieces of chalk for hair

Pieces of chalk for hair represent special pastel pieces of chalk for giving of a certain color or a shade to hair.

Features of pieces of chalk for hair

Цветные мелки для волос легко стираются и смываются водойCrayons for hair are a simple and safe alternative to hair-dyes. Thanks to these pieces of chalk it is possible to paint locks in bright colors, to create original hairstyles and to stack locks in a certain form. Ringlets can be allocated in braids, and also to put a gradient with soft transition from one color to another, and also from a dark shade in light tone.

Positive reviews have pieces of chalk for hair as original means of bystry coloring using a dry pastel or oil substance. Pieces of chalk for hair it is possible to paint tips and to give brightness of an upper part of locks.

Before carrying out coloring it is necessary to carry out conditioning of hair with use of the protective and moistening means (balms, masks, etc.). It is better for fair-haired girls to use special shampoo for maintenance of brightness and a hair shine.

Crayons for hair easily are erased and wash off, it is better to put them in the afternoon and to delete before going to bed. Good responses have pieces of chalk for hair as easy means for coloring which do not make heavier hair, do not destroy their structure and allow to experiment with a color, selecting the most suitable option.

How to use pieces of chalk for hair

Melky for hair needs to use, conforming to certain rules of drawing and leaving. From that as used pieces of chalk for hair the net result and necessary effect of coloring depends.

Process of drawing pieces of chalk on hair takes place in several stages to which it is possible to carry:

  • preparation of special means and devices (nippers, iron, varnish, protective spray, hair dryer, etc.);
  • washing of the head without further drawing the conditioner;
  • small moistening of pieces of chalk for hair which pigment from moisture becomes saturated and resistant;
  • coloring of locks in one direction on all length (or only tips) one or several flowers, and also imitating a gradient;
  • use of protective spray for strengthening of a shade;
  • dehumidification and twisting of hair by means of nippers or the iron;
  • fixation of separate locks or all hairstyle by means of hairspray.

After drawing pieces of chalk hair should be combed a convenient and delicate wooden crest. Locks can Мелки для волос во флаконахbe twisted before drawing a pigment that they were better painted over on all length.

Among different types of pieces of chalk for hair it is better to choose a soft pastel which will well paint hair, will not crumble and keeps long enough. The oil pastel quickly loses color, makes heavier hair and is badly washed away from them. To choose color it is necessary to paint one lock and if necessary to wash away it, and alternation of several flowers will allow to choose the most optimum shade.

Pastel pieces of chalk do not recommend to put often as they can dry hair. As good protection for hair it is possible to use nutritious conditioners, protective balms and the moistening masks.

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