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Ментопластика - коррекция формы подбородкаBeauty of the person consists of harmonious proportions of all its lines. And the chin plays not the last role in this equation. But even if it is far from an ideal, the modern surgery allows to correct shortcomings. Plastic surgeries on a chin combine under the general name of a mentoplastik.

Face proportions

The chin is the factor defining a shape of a face. Its outward depends on a side corner of a mandible and extent of development of the basis of "a mental triangle". At mandible coal more than 125 ° and an acute mental triangle the person becomes oval or triangular. At mandible coal less than 125 ° the person seems rectangular or round.

If to analyze reviews of a mentoplastika of patients which already transferred it it is not difficult to notice that resort to operation generally in extreme cases when defect of a chin considerably distorts face proportions. So, the mentoplastika is shown in cases when it is observed:

  • Small sloping chin at which the upper part of the face visually increases;
  • Heavy speaker chin;
  • Too round and womanly chin at men or a masculine chin, square with the expressed dimple, at the woman;
  • The double chin formed by fatty deposits;
  • Asymmetric chin;
  • The chin deformed as a result of injuries;
  • Chin with inborn defects.

Before mentoplastiky modeling which allows to estimate the subsequent cosmetic effect of operation always becomes. For this purpose the x-ray film of a mandible, and also a number of the analyses confirming readiness of an organism of the patient for surgical interventions is required.

Equipment of a mentoplastika

Depending on an ultimate goal of the patient the following technicians of a genioplasty can be applied:

  • The increasing mentoplastika;
  • The reducing mentoplastika;
  • Correction of a double chin.

Operations are performed under a local anesthesia and last of 30 minutes till 2,5 o'clock. The section at a mentoplastika becomes or on a skin fold under a chin (an outside section), or from the inside of an under lip (an internal section). Each equipment has features.

Increase in a chin – a kind of a mentoplastika which is carried out at the insufficient volume of a chin. The surgeon pushes the lower fragment of a jaw forward. If it is not enough, then under a periosteum the implant is established. Sometimes for achievement of more perfect effect, the missing volume of a chin can be in addition filled with own fat of the patient – this method is called a liposkulptura.

The increasing mentoplastika is shown at a microgenia – inborn, traumatic or postoperative defects of a mandible because of which the chin looks small or slanted. Can seem to you that men resort to this operation generally to give to the face more masculine look. However judging by reviews of a mentoplastika, the small sloping chin does not suit also women. The increasing mentoplastika allows to balance features by means of silicone endoprostheses, having brought closer them to classical ideal proportions.

The reducing mentoplastika represents operation on osteoplastic transformation. The surgeon deletes or cuts a bone, displaces the lower fragment back and fixes it serklyazhny seams. The reducing mentoplastika – quite long operation, it lasts about two hours.

This type of surgical intervention is shown at too heavy, disproportionately large chin. If this defect adds to a man's face some savor, then the woman's face with a large massive chin finds male lines. It is not surprising that comments about a mentoplastika of the reducing type are left generally by women who aim to soften features.

Correction of a double chin technically belongs to the reducing mentoplastika. However equipment here a bit different. It is about tightening of the lower third of the person at which fatty deposits and the drooped skin are removed. At correction of a double chin the section becomes outside. The surgeon excises excess fat and fabrics in a neck that allows to correct a face form.

Contraindications to a mentoplastika and side effects

Operation is performed only on the created bones and as bones of teenagers develop up to 23 years, it is not recommended to perform operation before this age if this is not about correction of serious inborn defects or effects of accidents and severe injuries.

Besides, there are absolute contraindications connected with the state of health of the patient. Some diseases of a thyroid gland, cardiovascular and infectious diseases, bad coagulability of blood, high degree of a hypertension, a diabetes mellitus, disturbance of integrity of integuments in an operation zone, and also a number of diseases of an oral cavity concern to them if it is about an intra oral section at operation.

It is worth remembering that operation can demand change of a way of life. For example, if the implant was used, there is always a risk of its shift. Therefore after a mentoplastika it is recommended to avoid traumatic sports, for example, of boxing. As well as any surgical intervention, a mentoplastika can cause an infection, in this case removal of an implant can be necessary not to allow deterioration in a situation.

Recovery after a mentoplastika

Виды и способы проведения ментопластикиUsually after operation hospitalization is not required. The patient can sometimes remain in clinic within 24 hours if absolute rest is shown him. Within 1-2 weeks after a mentoplastika the patient carries a retentive bandage which holds fabrics in the necessary situation – she acts after full healing of fabrics. The first three days the discomfort to which elimination cold can be applied can be felt. Up to 3-5 days the patient can feel insignificant pains for which elimination the doctor can recommend the anesthetizing drug. After a mentoplastika the hypostases which are usually passing within 7-10 days are not excluded. In a week after operation seams are removed, and it is possible to get to work in 3-4 days. Judging by reviews of a mentoplastika, the recovery period in many respects depends on type of operation and a condition of an organism.

Usually after the procedure (most often if the implant was used) exercise stresses, especially are not recommended for a chin. It is worth avoiding a raising of weights or to play sports within a month after operation. Besides, to avoid mixing of an implant or bones, and also severe pains, the patient is recommended to exclude at first loads of a jaw and to eat only liquid and soft food – puree, juice.

Despite all inconveniences connected with the recovery period resorts to a mentoplastika more and more men and women. The esthetic result which operation yields allows them to reconsider the relation to itself in a root, to raise a self-assessment and to change quality of life.

Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.