Application instruction:
Mucaltinum – an expectorant.
Mucaltinum helps to eliminate cough, to reduce intensity of fits of coughing. Drug increases secretion of a phlegm, liquefies it and helps to remove, has the enveloping, antiinflammatory effect.
Active ingredient of means – mallow extract, and auxiliary – Natrii hydrocarbonas. In view of the fact that the basis of drug is made by plant extract, it is authorized to accept Mucaltinum at pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Release the tablets Mucaltinum.
Mucaltinum according to the instruction is shown at chronic, acute respiratory diseases which are followed by a viscous and dense phlegm (pneumonia, a pneumoconiosis, a bronchoectatic disease, an obstructive chronic pulmonary disease, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, a tracheobronchitis and others).
Good responses about Mucaltinum, applied at cough with a phlegm of not clear origin.
Use of Mucaltinum is effective also in states when it is difficult to patient to expectorate a phlegm.
The tablets Mucaltinum adults and children after 12 l. accept for one or two weeks. Accept 50-100mg 3-4r/put before food.
Children can give Mucaltinum, having dissolved previously in warm water (about 1/3 glasses). To children to 12 l. give on 1y to a tablet also 3-4r/put.
Mucaltinum at pregnancy according to the instruction is applied in specified for adult dosages. But the doctor observing pregnancy in an individual order can change appointment.
In certain cases use of Mucaltinum causes allergic reactions in the form of an itch, an acute anaphylaxis, a Quincke's edema, a small tortoiseshell. Also there are responses about Mucaltinum, causing heat, a headache, vomiting, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea.
If the specified side effects were shown, drug is recommended to be cancelled.
Mucaltinum is contraindicated to children to 3 l., at heavy renal pathologies, thrombophlebitis, fibrinferment, a diabetes mellitus, inborn intolerance of fructose, a fenilketonuriya, hypersensitivity to means, a galactose glucose sprue, at peptic ulcers of a GIT.
According to the instruction Mucaltinum cannot be applied along with the drugs influencing the kashlevy center, in particular, with such that contain codeine. In this case the otkhozhdeniye of a phlegm can be complicated, and the basic disease which caused cough can be aggravated.
Name of drug
Mucaltinum тбл 50 mg No. 10, Pharmstandard-Leksredstva of joint stock company (Kursk)
5 rub.
Mucaltinum тбл 50 mg No. 10, Tatkhimfarmpreparata (Kazan)
6 rub.
Mucaltinum тбл 50 mg No. 20, Updating of CJSC PFK
48 rub.
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