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Насморк - воспалительный процесс слизистой носаRhinitis (cold) – the inflammatory process proceeding in a mucous membrane of a nose. Viruses can be the cause of cold. Viruses get on mucous a nasal cavity together with the inhaled air. They break work of cells and create all conditions for accession of a bacterial infection. Rhinitis can develop at the general overcooling of an organism. Sometimes cold develops under the influence of professional harmful factors (dust, smoke, redolent harmful substances). Manipulations with area of a nose or an injury of a mucous nasal cavity with foreign bodys can be other causes of illness.

Stages and types of cold

Changes in a mucous nasal cavity take place three main stages. The reflex stage of cold develops when overcooling an organism. The reflex stage of a disease is followed by narrowing and the subsequent expansion of blood vessels, and also hypostasis of nasal sinks. At this stage of a disease burning in a nasal cavity, dryness, difficulty of breath and repeated sneezing is noted.

The catarral stage of cold usually lasts two-three days. This stage develops under the influence of viruses. Emergence of plentiful transparent watery allocations from a nose, emergence of dacryagogue, a congestion of ears and a nasal shade of a voice is characteristic of a catarral stage of cold. At this stage of a disease nasal breath and olfactory function decreases.

The beginning of a final stage is followed by emergence of a bacterial inflammation. At this stage of rhinitis sense of smell and nasal breath is gradually recovered, the general condition of an organism improves, but allocations from a nasal cavity gain green or yellow color.

All cycle of cold usually lasts from seven to ten days. At timely treatment recovery can occur within two-three days. At insufficient treatment and the weakened immunity cold can pass into a chronic form.

By the origin nature cold can be allergic, vasculomotor, medicamentous, infectious, traumatic, meteotropny, atrophic or hypertrophic.

Allergic cold develops under the influence of any allergen. Vegetable pollen, hair of animals, down, foodstuff can play a role of allergen. Allergic cold usually is followed by a pricking in a nose, the itch, burning, sneezing complicated by breath, plentiful watery separated. Inflammatory process at allergic cold of upper parts of respiratory tracts can move to lower parts. For this reason timely diagnosis and treatment of allergic cold is very important.

At vasculomotor rhinitis blood vessels extend. This type of cold usually appears as a result of hormonal disturbances, emotional experiences. Vasculomotor rhinitis can develop also under the influence of tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, spicy and hot food. Displays of cold can be followed by lachrymation, sneezing, sleeplessness, a headache, plentiful mucous separated. Medicamentous cold develops at prolonged use of vasoconstrictive drugs.

Infectious rhinitis happens virus, mycotic, bacterial. Usually this type of rhinitis accompanies other diseases (flu, a SARS, diphtheria, gonorrhea, scarlet fever).

Atrophic rhinitis develops when thinning a bone skeleton or mucous membrane of a nose. It is followed by dryness in a nose, burning sensation, decrease in sense of smell.

Growth of fabrics is characteristic of hypertrophic cold (a mucous membrane and a submucosal layer.

Allocate acute and chronic cold. Acute rhinitis is characterized by the sudden beginning. There are a weakness, a headache, decrease in working capacity. This type of cold is followed by plentiful allocations from a nose, at first liquid and transparent, and then more dense, flavovirent color. The mucous membrane of a nose inflates, breath is at a loss, sense of smell vanishes, taste perception decreases.

Chronic cold develops at the prolonged or often repeating rhinitis, at long impact on a mucous membrane of a nose of various irritants (dust, harmful vapors and smells). The irritation mucous a nose purulent discharges can be the cause of emergence of chronic cold at diseases of okolonosovy bosoms, long disturbance of blood circulation in mucous a nose at heart troubles, kidneys, lungs, hormonal system.

Treatment of cold should be begun at emergence of the first symptoms of a disease. For treatment of cold it is possible to use the moisturizing, vasoconstrictive, vegetable drugs, homeopathic and antiviral medicines, antibacterial agents, bacterial vaccines.

Cold at pregnancy

Насморк при беременности может появиться при разрастании полипов носоглотки или аденоидовCold at pregnancy can develop at growth of polyps of a nasopharynx or adenoides. Increase in estrogen and progesterone in blood can become the reason of emergence of cold at pregnancy. Low level of air humidity, various allergic reactions, increase in concentration of hormones in blood lead to the vascular changes causing rhinitis.

On early durations of gestation rhinitis is dangerous. If the nature of emergence of cold virus, then is big probability that the virus will be able to get through blood into a cavity of the uterus and to cause spontaneous abortion.

In some cases the reason of emergence of rhinitis can influence formation of an embryo on early durations of gestation. Cold at pregnancy in house conditions it is possible to treat by means of the checked folk remedies.

Folk remedies from cold

In complex treatment of cold it is possible to use various folk remedies. At rhinitis it is possible to dig in three-five drops of menthol oil in each nostril. The procedure should be repeated twice a day. It is in addition possible to oil wings of a nose, whisky, a forehead. Kalanchoe juice – effective folk remedy from cold. In an initial stage of rhinitis it is necessary to dig three-five drops of juice of a kalanchoe in each nostril. For treatment of cold it is possible to prepare tincture. For this purpose olive and sunflower oil (on hundred grams) should be mixed with a tablespoon of the crushed Labrador tea. To infuse mix three weeks in the dark place, daily shaking up. To filter, wring out. In the first day of treatment to dig in two-three drops in each nostril, in the next days – on one drop to four times a day. The course of treatment has to last not longer than week.

Effective folk remedy from cold juice of red beet is considered. During cold in each nostril it is possible to dig in five-six drops of svezheotzhaty juice of red beet. It is possible to moisten a cotton plug in beet juice and to put it in a nose. At chronic cold it is very useful to chew honey cells and to grease nostrils with honey.

From rhinitis inhalations in couples of onions will help. To crush a fresh bulb and, mixing onions mix, to inhale fumes of onions to their starvation. This procedure should be repeated twice a day.

Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.