Main > Diseases> An urine incontience at elderly

Urine incontience at elderly

Senile incontience – involuntary release of urine – rather widespread phenomenon observed at 70% of women and men of old age. The urine incontience problem at elderly people is on a joint of several spheres of medicine: urology, gynecology and neurology, covers practically all aspects of life of patients, complicating their household, professional and family adaptation.Недержание мочи у пожилых встречается в 70% случаев

However an incontience of urine it is necessary to treat as well as any other diseases in which there is nothing shameful. The urine incontience at elderly is natural manifestation of aging of an organism which reason can be deviations and failures in functioning of some systems.

The reasons and types of an incontience of urine at elderly people

Normal the healthy person urinates about 5-6 times a day, however with age in a human body there can be changes breaking process of an urination. Types of this pathology can be divided on:

  • Stressful incontience of urine at elderly (30-40% of cases) which reason weakening of muscles of a pelvic bottom is. As a rule, occurs at run, sneezing, laughter, a raising of weights, exercise stresses;
  • The Urgentny incontience of urine (15-20% of cases) connected with a superactivity of a bladder. It is provoked by the external irritating factors: noise of the flowing water, washing of ware, reception of alcoholic beverages, cold season, etc.;
  • Tranzitorny (temporary) incontience of urine. At elderly people it can be accompanied by infectious and inflammatory diseases of a bladder (acute cystitis). At women this type of an incontience can be connected with the inflammation of a vagina or an urethra which is followed by existence of imperative desires, a frequent urination, burning;
  • Overflow incontience. This type of an incontience of urine at elderly men is often connected with a benign hyperplasia of a prostate in the anamnesis, an urethrostenosis, is more rare - a prostate cancer.

In certain cases hormonal reorganization of an organism can be the reason of an incontience of urine at elderly women. Age decrease in level of women's hormones causes atrophic changes on a neck of uterus and an urethra epithelium.

Besides, the urine incontience at elderly people can arise owing to severe stresses and diseases of a nervous system (a stroke, Parkinson's disease).

Treatment of an incontience of urine at elderly people

Спазмекс - спазмолитический препарат для лечения недержания мочи у пожилыхFor the purpose of clarification of degree and the reasons of an incontience of urine complaints of patients gather, optical survey, x-ray and ultrasonic researches of a bladder, an urodynamic research are carried out, crops of urine on microflora are carried out. Now distinguish several methods of treatment of an incontience of urine at elderly:

  • Non-drug;
  • Medicamentous;
  • Surgical.

The essence of a non-drug method consists in the training of a bladder directed to increase in an interval between urinations. For this purpose patients have to constrain natural desires to an urination by means of strong reduction of a proctal sphincter. Also the patients suffering from involuntary release of urine are recommended to carry out exercises for a training of pelvic muscles.

Medicamentous practice is directed to decrease in sokratitelny activity of a bladder by means of reception of antidepressants and spasmolytic drugs.

In spite of the fact that conservative methods of treatment of an incontience of urine at elderly achieve good results, in certain cases it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention. Most often operational treatment is used at treatment of patients with a stressful incontience of urine, is more rare - in the presence of an urgentny form of an incontience.

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