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Circulatory unefficiency

Short characteristic of a disease

It is known that the main function of the device of blood circulation – to provide bodies and fabrics with those products which are necessary for them for normal work, and at the same time to remove harmful substances from an organism. Insufficiency of cerebral circulation or problem with supply with blood of heart arise if the above-mentioned device ceases to cope with the tasks. In most cases heart failure, that is, a complex of the signs which are shown in dysfunction of one or both ventricles of heart is the cornerstone of disturbances of normal blood supply.

Circulatory unefficiency – classification of a disease

Недостаточность кровообращения

On degree of manifestation of symptoms and frequency of attacks differ an acute and chronic circulatory unefficiency. In the first case the disease arises owing to disturbance of sokratitelny ability of a myocardium and is shown by very heavy clinical symptoms: fluid lungs, dekompensirovanny pulmonary heart and cardiogenic shock. Irrespective of a clinical form, the acute circulatory unefficiency poses a serious threat of human life therefore to the patient it is shown urgent correction of the state which led to so heavy complications.

The chronic circulatory unefficiency is, as a rule, result of development of other diseases of cardiovascular system. Disturbance of sokratitelny function of ventricles is the cornerstone of pathology besides. The reasons of it can become: postinfarction and atherosclerotic cardioscleroses, damages of a muscle of heart at myocardites, inborn defects, perikardita and some other diseases. In development of pathology the blood flow is gradually slowed down, nedookislenny products of exchange processes collect, the acid-base balance of the acid party moves. If treatment of a circulatory unefficiency is irregular and does not conform to the accepted standards, the patient has a progressing decrease in functions of all bodies that can lead to a lethal outcome.

Degrees of a circulatory unefficiency and symptoms characteristic of each stage

In modern medicine it is accepted to allocate three stages of a disease which are defined on the basis of degree of manifestation of symptoms, complaints of patients and results of clinical trials. Besides, at statement of the final diagnosis weight of manifestations of the basic disease which led to a circulatory unefficiency is taken into account.

  • The I stage – initial – patients complain of a bad dream, bystry fatigue, a cardiopalmus. Abnormally high pulse and an asthma appear even after insignificant exercise stresses. All signs of a basic disease from heart are noted;
  • The II stage – the developing circulatory unefficiency – symptoms are expressed much stronger: the heart sizes increase, constant tachycardia is noted, short wind develops much quicker. Besides, at patients feet and shins swell, release of urine decreases, the liver increases in sizes. The corresponding treatment of a circulatory unefficiency and observance of a bed rest will allow to reduce considerably degree of manifestation of symptoms, but they will never disappear completely (unlike patients with the I degree);
  • The III stage – the started chronic circulatory unefficiency – an asthma is noted even at rest, cyanosis amplifies, severe hypostases develop. Pathology so progresses that patients can sleep only in a characteristic semi-sitting position. At patients numerous attacks of nausea, sharp falling of appetite, decrease in muscle bulk of a body, significant increase in the sizes of heart are noted. On the III degree of a circulatory unefficiency the emergency treatment as the patient can die of the accruing disease phenomena is necessary.

Treatment of a circulatory unefficiency and patient care by people

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To patients the complex of actions which promote decrease in load of cardiovascular system is appointed and allow to create optimal living conditions for maintenance of normal life activity of people. Depending on circulatory unefficiency degree, various medicines designed to recover a water salt metabolism and work of a cardiac muscle are shown to patients.

If the diagnosis a circulatory unefficiency of the I degree is made to the person, the person can go in for the physical culture and sports disciplines which are not demanding considerable tension. In the presence of the II stage of a disease, hard physical activity and sports activities are excluded. If the chronic circulatory unefficiency of the III degree develops, the semi-bed rest, a full-fledged dream and full refusal of any exercise stresses is shown to the patient. Regardless of a stage, patients have to limit consumption of table salt, and also completely exclude those food stuffs which excite cardiac performance – coffee, strong tea from a diet.

Medicamentous therapy promotes strengthening of sokratitelny function of heart and timely removal from an organism of an excess amount of water. The patient with a circulatory unefficiency appoint cardiac glycosides, foxglove drugs (digoxin, Isolanidum), strophanthin and Korglykonum at exacerbations of a disease. For removal of excess water it is desirable to use diuretic drugs, but it is obligatory to coordinate their dosage coordinate with the attending physician. Among other things, optimal conditions and in those rooms where the sick person spends the most part of time have to be created. It concerns as temperature balance (20-22 degrees Celsius), and humidity. Air should not be too dry. In the living room it is possible to hang out wet sheets which will absorb excess heat.

Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.