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About nephrology

Нефрология - диагностика и лечение заболеваний

In literal translation with Greek, the word "nephrology" means "the doctrine about kidneys". This section of medicine is engaged in studying of internal diseases of kidneys, their etiology, a pathogeny and clinical manifestations. Besides, the nephrology develops new diagnostic methods, treatments and prevention of diseases. One of the main subsections of science about kidneys is the children's nephrology. The diseases diagnosed for children including chronic get to its area of interest.

Now nephrologists use the modern, hi-tech equipment in work that allows to diagnose diseases at early stages and to timely establish the reason of their emergence. Among the most known and effective techniques of researches It should be noted: radiological, radiological, genetic, ultrasonic and immunohistochemical methods. Also the nephrology widely uses a biopsy of fabrics and electronic microscopic examinations.

In recent years diseases of kidneys affect an increasing number of people that it is connected with deterioration in an ecological situation and decline in quality of life. Especially dangerously to the fact that with a chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and a chronic renal failure the children's nephrology even more often faces though quite recently these diseases were destiny of adults.

It is worth addressing the nephrologist immediately in all cases when you observe symptoms of damage of kidneys and urinogenital system. It is dangerous to self-medicate as very often symptoms of serious diseases have nonspecific character and distort objective assessment of a condition of the patient. Only the experienced doctor who will appoint full medical examination of an organism can help with such situation.

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