Main > Diseases> Neurodermatitis


General characteristic of a disease

Нейродермит на рукахNeurodermatitis is a disease of skin of neurogenic and allergic type. For the first time the term was applied in 1891, then the disease was meant as raschesa of a surface of skin owing to primary itch. This disease takes an important place among the population on incidence of skin diseases, and makes about 40%. Neurodermatitis on hands most often occurs at children, and with puberty approach quite often disappears in itself (in the absence of other diseases).

As children are most subject to this illness, parents should watch carefully the child's skin, and at emergence of the first signs to begin urgent treatment because effects can be absolutely adverse. The probability of emergence of consolidations, changes of a relief of skin, and also infectious diseases of serious types is high. The main preventive measures of neurodermatitis for adults is "respect" for psychological and correct professional hygiene, for children – the mode of breastfeeding and the general hygiene.

Neurodermatitis reasons

There is a set of the reasons of this disease. Treat the main of them:

  • Genetic predisposition (for example if parents had any allergic diseases, most likely it will become the neurodermatitis reason at the child);
  • Negative emotions;
  • Long-term intellectual and physical tension;
  • Professional loadings (in particular, harmful influencing factors on production or the enterprise);
  • Wrong day regimen;
  • Diseases of the alimentary system;
  • Improper feeding;
  • Organism intoxication.

Also external factors of the environment which cause reaction of allergenic character are considered as the reasons of neurodermatitis:

  • Hair of pets;
  • Forage of aquarian small fishes (dry mixes);
  • Peryeva filler of mattresses, pillows, blankets;
  • Some cosmetic and perfumery means;
  • Pollen of flowers;
  • Food stuffs (nuts, a citrus, honey, etc., and also dyes and preservatives in food);
  • Medicines.

Having established the individual reason of neurodermatitis, it is necessary to start immediate treatment. However elimination of a source of a disease – is not enough, and at acute forms it is necessary to address the dermatologist for full diagnosis and purpose of a course of treatment.

Types of neurodermatitis

Нейродерматит на ногахDivision into types of this skin disease is caused by prevalence degree on an integument of the person. So, neurodermatitis happens several types, namely:

  • Limited, presented only on some sites of skin;
  • Diffusion which centers of manifestation are the neck, a face, elbow joints, subnodal hollows neurodermatitis on hands is most widespread;
  • Hypertrophic with tumorous manifestation in an inguinal zone;
  • Linear at which pruritic strips on places of a bend of extremities appear;
  • Psoriasiform – neurodermatitis on a neck and the head at which there are condensed red centers covered with small scales;
  • Follicular at which sharp-pointed papules on hair sites appear;
  • Dekalviruyushchy who is shown on hair body parts with the subsequent loss of hair.

Each type of neurodermatitis brings notable discomfort to the person therefore treatment is required immediately.

Neurodermatitis symptoms

The main symptoms of neurodermatitis are characterized by rash, an itch, neurotic frustration, reddenings, a peeling. And, the field of spread of a disease can be various depending on its specific version.

At neurodermatitis function of adrenal glands therefore skin can darken considerably considerably decreases. The person loses weight that negatively affects the general condition of an organism. Pressure goes down, fatigue, apathy and weakness increases, secretion of a gastric juice and level of glucose in blood decrease. Neurodermatitis sometimes leads to lymphadenitis (an inflammation of lymph nodes) worsening activity of many bodies.

It should be noted the fact that symptoms of neurodermatitis are most brightly shown in winter season and in the evening days, and in the summer, on the contrary, noticeable improvements are felt. Neurodermatitis on hands brings the greatest discomfort as because of moisture and frequent mechanical influences the disease is only aggravated.

Diagnosis is carried out by generally visual survey, capture of test from the site of skin affected with neurodermatitis and blood test.

Treatment of neurodermatitis

Нейродермит лечениеForecasts at timely treatment of neurodermatitis – quite favorable. The main methods of controlling with a disease include:

  • Special day regimen (a full-fledged night dream, exercise stresses, moderate food "on hours");
  • Diet;
  • Treatment on a stationary basis;
  • Antihistaminic drugs;
  • Hormonal therapy in especially acute cases;
  • Physiotherapeutic scheme of treatment of neurodermatitis.

Topical treatment of neurodermatitis assumes use of antipruritic ointments and creams which rassasyvat and peel the struck centers on skin.

National treatment of neurodermatitis

Before starting treatment of neurodermatitis, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. At the correct diagnosis, national treatment of neurodermatitis yields positive takes.

Advantages of such way are natural components which make only salutary impact on the skin affected with neurodermatitis. Besides, national treatment of neurodermatitis does not do harm to an organism in general.

In traditional medicine such herbs as are often applied to treatment of neurodermatitis: burdock, celandine, nettle, calendula.

Procedures below are recommended to be carried out in the evening, just before a dream.

Here several popular recipes of national treatment of neurodermatitis:

- Tincture from leaves of bark of an oak, birch leaves, a nettle, linen seeds, mints, a coriander and a wormwood put by means of bandage on affected areas, maintain before full drying, then replace a compress. Such lotions for treatment of neurodermatitis on hands are especially effective. Repeat the procedure until symptoms do not begin to disappear;

- Pour 1 tablespoon of rock salt into 1 liter of water and well mix. Separately in 100 grams of 10% of liquid ammonia pour in 10 g of camphoric oil. The mixed mix is connected to hydrochloric solution. The vessel is closed a cover and well shaken up. Grease with this miracle ointment problem places to an absolute recovery.

- Mix 40 g of fruits of a mountain ash and leaves of a sumac, 15 g of a sage, 30 g of a field horsetail and the 50th bark of an oak, 4 tbsps of mix fill in 3 l of water and boil on slow fire within 10 minutes. The turned-out broth is added when bathing to a bathroom.

In certain cases disposal of neurodermatitis requires the complex treatment including also internal clarification of an organism in the form of microclysters. For this purpose 1 h l. flowers of a wormwood and tansy (1:1) fill in 100 ml of boiled water, insist 1 hour and filter. Use every other day, the course makes 10-12 procedures.

Whether you know that:

Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.