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Neurocirculatory dystonia

Short characteristic of a disease

Нейроциркуляторная дистония

Today people suffer from the most different defects of cardiovascular system. Some of them can be characterized literally two-three words, and others – demand the long and detailed story. Neurocirculatory dystonia is among just such diseases. To describe it in several offers it will not turn out as in that case any description will suffer from inaccuracy and insufficient completeness. It is connected with the fact that at the diagnosis neurocirculatory dystonia symptoms of pathology contain lines of many other diseases.

As a matter of fact is the sum of all adverse changes existing in the nature, a striking example of widespread frustration of an organism. To be convinced of justice of these words, it is enough to get acquainted with opinion of patients. Most of them claim that at neurocirculatory dystonia all hurts. That is, even if the person feels severe pains in heart, but does not feel other adverse changes, then it does not mean at all that at it neurocirculatory dystonia develops. Key characteristic of this disease – variety of manifestations. However, we will talk about them slightly below for now we stop on what is neurocirculatory dystonia and who has it.

Generally, neurocirculatory dystonia is understood as option of development of vegetovascular dysfunction. Most often pathology affects young people at whom various disturbances of cardiovascular system as a result are shown. The fact that neurocirculatory dystonia is more often diagnosed for young people, is explained by the fact that at young generation the mismatch of physical development and slow formation of neuroendocrinal system is observed. As for causes of illness, treat their number: intoxications, acute and persistent infections, overfatigue, regular sleep debt, wrong diet, physical overworks, frequent change of sexual partners and stresses. Besides, at some patients with neurocirculatory dystonia it is shown under the influence of bad heredity.

Neurocirculatory dystonia – symptoms and a clinical picture

As it was already told above, clinical displays of a disease are extremely various therefore we will note only the main symptoms:

  • nevrozopodbny state;
  • weakness, bystry fatigue;
  • irritability, frustration of a dream;
  • asthma at insignificant exercise stresses;
  • pains in heart.

Now it is accepted to allocate three types of neurocirculatory dystonia: cardial, hypertensive and hypotensive. Neurocirculatory dystonia on cardial type does not lead to essential changes of arterial pressure, but causes a cardiopalmus, an asthma, interruptions of cordial activity. Also at patients are noted: explicit tendency to tachycardia, inadequate changes of a cordial rhythm, supraventricular premature ventricular contraction and other deviations in action of the heart. On an ECG all these changes are shown in the form of a high or reduced voltage of a T-tooth.

Unlike a cardial form, neurocirculatory dystonia on hypotensive type is followed by symptoms of heart failure: the lowered systolic arterial pressure, decrease in cardiac index and symptomatic activity. Patients complain of bystry fatigue, a headache, muscular weakness, orthostatic frustration, a chill of feet and brushes. In most cases neurocirculatory dystonia on hypotensive type is shown at people of an asthenic constitution. At the same time at them skin turns pale, hands grow cold, decrease in the ABP is noted.

Neurocirculatory dystonia on hypertensive type is characterized by tranzitorny increase in arterial pressure. Practically at all patients it is not connected with changes of health and therefore it is found late enough, during planned medical examinations. Except increase in the ABP, neurocirculatory dystonia on hypertensive type proves a cardiopalmus, fatigue, headaches. In general, symptoms of this form match symptoms of arterial hypertension therefore statement of the exact diagnosis requires careful inspection of patients with use of the modern medical equipment.

Neurocirculatory dystonia – treatment of pathology

Нейроциркуляторная дистония

In recent years advantage was got by non-drug methods of treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia. Among them we would like to celebrate the following events especially:

  • normalization of a way of life;
  • the regular tempering procedures;
  • exercises and separate sports (track and field athletics, swimming);
  • healthy nutrition;
  • refusal of addictions.

Besides, are widely used: balneoterapiya, physical therapy, sanatorium treatment. If at the diagnosis neurocirculatory dystonia symptoms prove too intensively and result in constant irritability or frustration of a dream, sedatives – valocordin, valerian drugs, Nozepamum and some other tranquilizers are recommended to patients. Neurocirculatory dystonia on hypotensive type needs correction by means of the exercises training muscles of legs and a prelum abdominale.

After assessment of a condition of the patient, the doctor can also appoint reception of the medicines containing alkaloids, or caffeine and Phethanolum for the prevention of orthostatic frustration. At neurocirculatory dystonia on hypertensive type it is reasonable to accept beta адроноблокаторы and drugs of Rauwolfia.

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