Main > Medical specialties> Neurosurgeon


The neurosurgeon – the specialist who is engaged in diagnosis and surgical treatment of acute injuries of a nervous system. The neurosurgeon is engaged in treatment of such bodies as nerves, a brain, a skull.

Нейрохирург – специалист, занимающийся диагностикой и хирургическим лечением острых травм нервной системы

What diseases enter competence of the neurosurgeon?

  • Craniocereberal injuries;
  • Vascular anomalies and tumors of a spinal cord, nervous roots and their covers;
  • Inborn defects of development of a cranium and brain;
  • Skull tumors;
  • The disturbances of cerebral circulation demanding an operative measure;
  • Disturbances of development of covers and vessels of a brain;
  • Diseases back and a brain at children;
  • Peripheral and central pain syndrome;
  • The backbone diseases which are followed by neurologic syndromes of irritation and loss of functions.

When it is necessary to address for consultation the neurosurgeon?

The following symptoms testify to a possibility of the hernia nuclei pulposi demanding consultation from the neurosurgeon:

  • Chest department: a combination of scoliosis or a kyphoscoliosis to pains in chest department, ongoing pain in chest department at a certain pose, for example at the sitting or standing professions;
  • Lumbar department: feeling of numbness in toes, the constant back pain lasting for several months, a scelalgia, behind or in front or in the side surface of a hip up to foot, the isolated pain in foot or a shin;
  • Cervical department: the aching or acute pain in a shoulder or a hand, dizziness, numbness of fingers of hands, pressure-jumps.

What tests will need to be made?

On reception the neurosurgeon for installation of the exact diagnosis can ask the patient to make the following tests:

  • General blood test;
  • Blood clotting time;
  • Prothrombin ratio;
  • The activated partial tromboplastinovy time;
  • Prothrombin time (RT) + fibrinogen;
  • General analysis of urine;
  • Prothrombin time (RT);
  • The international normalized relation.

What types of diagnoses are carried out by the neurosurgeon?

On reception the neurosurgeon can carry out the following types of diagnosis:

  • Computer tomography (ST, KT). It allows the neurosurgeon to define various disturbances – a cerebral cortex atrophy, hydrocephaly, shift of structures of a brain in connection with tumors or other volume processes;
  • Electromyography (EMG). This research gives the chance to estimate objectively, muscles and a nervous system of the patient are how affected;
  • Cerebral angiography. By means of this radiological method using contrast agents the neurosurgeon receives the image of venous and arterial vessels of a brain;
  • Lumbar puncture. This research is necessary for determination of intracranial pressure. Besides, the lumbar puncture serves as the place for carrying out other researches and administration of contrast liquids;
  • Electroencephalography – check of electric activity of a brain. This diagnosis allows the neurosurgeon to define disturbance of activity at various encephalopathies, frustration of a dream, epilepsy;
  • Magnetic and Resonant Tomography (MRT). This research allows the neurosurgeon to see nervous structures in high resolution. At the same time big risks for the patient when carrying out a similar research are absent. When using contrast agents the diagnostic value of MRT increases many times;
  • Miyelografiya – a X-ray analysis of a spinal cord by means of administration of contrast liquid. Allows the neurosurgeon to reveal hernia, tumors of the spinal channel;
  • Ultrasonic Doppler scanning (ultrasonography and doppler of vessels). This research allows the neurosurgeon to define a stenosis, stratification, obstruction of carotid arteries;
  • Ekhoentsefalografiya – graphic display of ultrasonic waves which are reflected from the explored areas of a brain. This type of diagnosis is used directly at the patient's bed for definition of hydrocephaly or hemorrhage at children up to two years.
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