Main > Diseases> Trifacial neuritis

Trifacial neuritis

Неврит троичного нерва

Diseases of a peripheral nervous system were always one of the central problems of neurology. It is explained by those effects which cause similar diseases – the most severe pains, spasms of facial muscles, an unpleasant nervous tic.

The most frequent complication at dental operations, operative measures and injuries of a jaw is trifacial neuritis. Such diagnosis is made in 85% of observations. The remained 15% fall on neuritis of upper and lower alveolar nerves.

Causes of illness

The problem can appear absolutely at each person as a result of a trifacial innervation. It, in turn, arises owing to:

  • fractures of base of the skull;
  • operations on jawbones;
  • fractures of upper and lower jaws;
  • difficult exodontia;
  • incorrectly executed prosthetics;
  • operations on a genyantrum;
  • existence of foreign bodys which can injure nerve terminations or a nervous trunk;
  • incorrectly executed anesthesia.

At the diagnosis trifacial neuritis symptoms can demonstrate the most various damages. Most often the trifacial is in the following states:

  • it is continuous on all length;
  • it is restrained by bone fragments;
  • растяжен;
  • it is broken off.

Trifacial neuritis – symptoms and diagnosis

The clinical picture of neuritis of a trifacial is characterized by disturbance of sensitivity of affected areas of a nerve, the constant aching pain and paresthesia. If the nizhnealveolyarny trifacial is struck – at patients motive disturbances are often observed, that is, neuritis of a trifacial leads to paresis (weakening of functions of muscles) and paralyzes (total absence of muscle performance). In a zone of damage of a nerve there are hypostases, thinning of skin and hypodermic cellulose develops, skin discoloration (from normal pink it becomes marble or cyanotic) is observed. In hard cases at neuritis of a trifacial hair can drop out. Also patients usually complain of an atrophy of chewing muscles in the field of defeat.

Diagnosis of a disease is carried out on the basis of inspections and diagnostic procedures. For this purpose carrying out will be required:

  • elektroneyrografiya (ENG);
  • neurologic survey;
  • computer tomography of bones of a skull and brain;
  • magnetic and resonant tomography (MRT) of orbits and adnexal bosoms of a nose.

Trifacial neuritis – treatment and forecasts

Массажный ролик при неврите тройного нерва

The structure of medical procedures is discussed individually in each case. At the same time are taken into consideration as the available displays of a disease, and the general condition of the patient. In most cases doctors stop on a complex of procedures which can enter:

  • acupuncture;
  • stimulation of muscles and nerves;
  • reception of vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • antiviral drugs.

At the diagnosis trifacial neuritis treatment is directed on:

  • elimination of possible flowing off of a nervous trunk;
  • antiinflammatory therapy;
  • increase in the general body resistance;
  • achievement of a sensitizing effect;
  • recovery of normal passability of nervous impulses;
  • recovery of the lost compensatory and adaptation reactions.

The forecast of treatment of neuritis of a trifacial depends on a condition of the nerve and a recovery rate of sensitivity of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and face skin.

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