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from 56 rub.

Но-шпа раствор для инъекцийNospanum – drug for removal of spasms.

Pharmacological action

Nospanum expands vessels, reduces a tone of muscles of internals, reduces an intestinal peristaltics, at the same time means does not influence the central nervous system.

Active agent of drug – Drotaverinum the hydrochloride which on action is close to a papaverine, but to it is characteristic more expressed, long effect.

At intravenous administration the therapeutic effect occurs through 2-4min.

Release form

Nospanum of a tablet and solution release.

Indications to use Nospanum

Drug at spastic locks and a spastic colitis, a pyelitis, tenesmus, a proctitis, a gastroduodenita, GIT ulcers, an endarteritis, spasms of coronary, cerebral and peripheral arteries is effective, algodismenory.

Besides Nospanum according to the instruction appoint for treatment, prevention of spasms of muscles of internals at renal, intestinal, bilious gripes, cholecystitis, dyskinesia of a gall bladder, bile-excreting channels, a postcholecystectomy syndrome.

Apply Nospanum at pregnancy – to removal of threat of an abortion, prevention of premature births. In obstetric practice means is applied to a spasmolysis of a uterine pharynx at the time of delivery, in case of long disclosure of a pharynx, to removal of puerperal pains.

Drug is also used when carrying out the cholecystography, tool inspections.

Application instruction Nospanum

Inside Nospanum according to the instruction is appointed in a dosage 120-240mg (daily dose) which is accepted by two or three р / day. The most admissible one-time dosage of the tablets Nospanum – 80 mg, and daily – 240 mg.

Intramusculary the drug the adult is administered in volume 40-240mg/days for 1-3 introductions. At acute bilious and renal gripes the drug is administered intravenously in a dosage 40-80mg for 30 sec.

Nospanum to children 6-12l appoint in a dosage 80 mg in two steps, to children after 12 l – 160 mg in 2-4 receptions.

Admissible one-time dosage at purpose of Nospanum to children 6-12l – 20 mg, daily – 200 mg.

At use of means independently, without appointment of the doctor, it is necessary to consider that therapy has to last no more than one or two days. If on the expiration of this term to kill pain it did not turn out, it is necessary to ask for medical assistance Таблетки Но-шпаfor examination or specification of the diagnosis.

Nospanum at pregnancy is appointed to accept on average on 3-6 таб / day at emergence of characteristic symptoms of the raised uterus tone – pandiculations and pain in a stomach bottom. The good effect gives a drug combination to a papaverine and a valerian. Nospanum at pregnancy is recommended to accept exclusively on doctor's orders, strictly following the instruction.

Side effects

Means can cause heartbeat, heat, the increased sweating, dizziness, pressure decrease, an allergy.

Because of intravenous use Nospanum at the patient the collapse, arrhythmia, respiratory depression can begin. For prevention of development of these states the patient with the lowered pressure should be during the procedure of injection in lying situation.

Because of overdose Nospanum can decrease excitability of a muscle of heart, arise paralysis of a respiratory center, a cardiac standstill.

Contraindications to use Nospanum

The drug Nospanum according to the instruction is contraindicated at a heavy heart, liver failure, hypersensitivity to means, intolerance of sodium of disulphite (at intramuscular, intravenous administration).

The pill Nospanum cannot be taken at a sprue of a galactose glucose, inborn intolerance of a galactose, a lack of lactase.

Intramuscular and intravenous administration of drug is contraindicated to children to 18 l, and purpose of the tableted Nospanum form - to children to 6 l.

To patients with a GIT ulcer Nospanum usually appoint along with antiulcerous drugs.

As after intramuscular, intravenous administration of means dizziness often begins, it is recommended on an extent of hour after the procedure to abstain from driving of transport, control of other difficult, potentially dangerous mechanisms.

During therapy it is necessary to consider that means can weaken effect of the Levodopa, spasmolytic effect of Morphine, strengthen action of Bendazolum, Papaverine, other spasmolysants. Spasmolytic activity of drug is increased by Phenobarbital.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Nospanum of a tablet 40 of mg of 6 pieces

56 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Nospanum of a tablet 40 of mg of 6 pieces

56 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Nospanum тбл 40 mg No. 6, Sanofi/Chinoin

56 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Nospanum solution in ampoules (analysis) 40mg/2ml 5 pieces

89 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Nospanum solution 40 of mg of 2 ml 5 pieces

99 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Nospanum solution for инъ 40 mg 2 ml No. 5, Sanofi/Chinoin

99 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Nospanum тбл 40 mg No. 24, Sanofi/Chinoin

197 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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