
The nail represents firm, horn, plastic education on skin of finger-tips of legs and hands. Growth of nails comes from sumkoobrazny impression of the epidermis which is on the back of toes and hands.

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Formation of a nail happens in its matrix (root) representing the special fabric occupying the lower part of his bag. The site of a matrix adjoins the nail bed which is distally from a body with which the lower surface of a nail plate is strongly combined from longitudinal rollers to a giponikhiya. Giponikhy – the dorsal site of epidermis between a nail bed and a finger-tip of a hand or leg. The nail roller call the sites of a skin fold covering a nail lateralno and proksimalno.

The epithelial thin skin which freely adjoins a nail is called a cuticle.

In natural state the nail has gentle-pink color, except the site of a semi-hole which has white color. More intensive activity of cell fission in this area, weaker providing with capillaries and formation of intracellular eleidin is the reason of light color of a hole. Depending on specific features of the person and age thickness and the size of nails can significantly differ.

Histologically nail matrix differentiation products differ. The upper layer is made by more layered, dense and flat, significantly extended lengthways cells, and the inside layer represents big accumulation of cubic cells which differ on electron-optical and histochemical indicators.

Favorable mechanical properties of a nail are provided by its layered structure with the elastic lower site and rigid upper. From the lower party a free part of a nail is adjoined by the third layer representing a differentiation product a giponikhiya. In the presence of pathological processes it can strongly expand.

Growth rate of a nail depends on education speed in a matrix of new cells. Matrix cells, unlike the mechanism of keratinization of epidermis, will be transformed without keratogialinovy stage and represent lamellar horn structures which cells contain the kernel remains.

Throughout all human life nails on hands and legs continuously grow if do not interfere with it traumatic or painful influences. At the same time with age growth rate decreases. Approximate growth rate of nails standing makes 1 mm a month, and the nail plate grows completely approximately for 1-1,5. And, nails of different fingers of feet grow with a different speed. The smallest speed on thumbs of legs. Nails on hands grow several times quicker. At children and young women nails grow quicker, than at young men, but after 40 years this ratio changes. During daylight hours growth of nails quicker, than in dark. Growth of nails at injuries, pregnancy increases, after a surgical onychectomy. And here bad food and various general diseases, on the contrary, slow down growth of nails.

Symptoms of diseases of nails

Human nails have various diseases. Here symptoms of the most widespread of them:

  • Onikholizis – peeling from a nail bed of a nail plate;
  • Leukonychia – a disease at which the nail becomes white color;
  • Pachyonychia – a thickening of a nail plate;
  • Gapalonikhiya – a disease at which the nail plate becomes too thin;
  • Onikhoreksis – longitudinal splitting of a nail plate;
  • Onychogryphosis – change of thickness and color of a nail plate when it is bent in the form of a beak;
  • Hyperkeratosis of a nail bed – a thickening of a nail bed which often arises in response to fungus diseases;
  • Koilonychia – change of a form of a nail plate in the form of a spoon;
  • Onikhoshizis – cross splitting of a nail plate;
  • Onychomycosis – a fungus of nails;
  • Onikhomadezis – full falling away of a nail plate;
  • Onikhokriptoz – the grown nail.

From all above-mentioned diseases most often meet an onychomycosis (a fungus of nails) and онихокриптоз (the grown nail)

The onychomycosis is very hardy infectious disease which for several months can survive even on the fallen-down nail plates. It is possible to pick up it through the infected footwear and in public places – saunas and baths, gyms and pools.

The fungus of nails, as a rule, on skin and in interdigital folds begins, is followed by a severe itch and burning, a skin peeling. If at once not to begin treatment of a fungus of nails, then it passes into more severe form, cracks and ulcers, bubbles on skin can appear. And only after that the disease extends to nails standing.

Externally color of a nail changes, it becomes opaque, then begins to collapse and crumble. If a fungus of nails not to treat, it will extend on all nail and will pass to its internal part. Therefore it will be difficult to be overcome even after an onychectomy.

As a rule, treatment of a fungus of nails medicamentous, about use of special ointments and tablets.

The grown nail (онихокриптоз) – a disease, the caused growing of a nail plate into a side part of the nail roller. It happens to a thicket on the one hand. The disease is followed by painful symptoms, reddening and swelling of the nail roller. In case of progressing of a disease it is possible to observe hyper granulation and purulent discharges.

Most often the disease arises standing, but happens that it is shown also on nails of hands. The most often similar disease can be seen at pregnant women and people of pubertal age.

Various factors are etiologies. It both heredity and deformations of a nail, wrong pedicure or hormonal reorganization of an organism, effect of fungus diseases.

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