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Cut manicure

Cut manicure is a classical type of manicure with use of scissors and tweezers which are intended for removal of a cuticle and clarification of a nail plate.Обрезной маникюр - классический вид маникюра

How to do cut manicure

Before doing cut manicure, it is necessary to carry out clarification of a nail plate by means of a wadded disk with liquid for removal of a varnish or special means without the content of acetone for degreasing of nails. It is not necessary to rub intensively and long a nail that it did not become porous and did not exfoliate.

If necessary before carrying out manicure it is possible to cut with cuticle scissors the grown nails or just to straighten them.

Podpilivaniye of nails needs to carry out from a side edge of a plate to the center of a nail that the surface did not exfoliate. The best means for a podpilivaniye is the long file with a fine-grained surface.

When carrying out classical cut manicure it is necessary to soften a cuticle for its bystry and painless removal. It is better to delete a cuticle in three minutes after the softening trays. The sparing means are wooden orange sticks which it is necessary to hook carefully a cuticle and to delete it in the direction, opposite to a nail.

Agnails and the rests of a cuticle can be removed with manicure tweezers accurately. Tweezers should not cut skin to vessels therefore depth of their action should not exceed 2 mm. It is better not to delete completely a cuticle to protect a nail from hit of infections and developing of open wounds.

After the clearing and adjusting processing it is necessary to begin polish of nails by means of a polishing file which does nails equal, smooth and stimulates blood circulation.

The final stage of classical cut manicure is drawing a varnish and dressing of nails. Put with the first layer a colourless basic covering for preservation of a healthy type of a nail and strengthening of the subsequent coverings. Then nails cover with the main varnish of a certain color, and in a few minutes it is possible to apply an additional top covering for fixing of a varnish on it. The top covering protects a varnish from deleting and gives a glossy shade.

In addition to cut manicure it is possible to carry out dressing of nails by means of manicure beads, a paste or special stickers slips.Стандартный набор для классического обрезного маникюра

Features and advantages of classical cut manicure

Classical cut manicure needs to be carried out in the absence of skin diseases with obligatory use of the warm weakening trays for hands with addition of emollients.

Indispensable condition of safe manicure is disinfection of hands, and also mitigation of skin special natural oils.

Cut manicure is the most convenient and popular cosmetic procedure. This manicure has a number of advantages to which it is possible to carry:

  • simplicity of carrying out and universality;
  • high safety and efficiency for the started nails;
  • possibility of carrying out both for women, and for men;
  • speed of carrying out and low cost;
  • giving to nails of the correct form, correction and recovery.


Contraindications to carrying out classical cut manicure are fungal infections, open wounds, the inflamed nail plate and a cuticle, a diabetes mellitus, low coagulability of blood, a phobia concerning sharp objects, mental disorders.

With care the cosmetic procedure is carried out at a close arrangement of blood vessels to a nail plate.

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