Main > Drugs> Cucumber grass

Cucumber grass

Description and useful properties

Огуречная траваCucumber grass – the annual plant belonging to family of the Borage family, growing in Asia Minor, the European part of Russia, North America. Other widespread names of a grass – a borago or a borage.

Leaves of a cucumber grass which collect are of interest to medicine generally before the flower stalk appears: they contain lemon, apple, fat, resinous acids, vitamin C, carotene, potassium, slime, tannins, saponins. To the touch leaves of a plant are rough, and to taste and a smell remind a young cucumber. In the therapeutic purposes apply dry and fresh leaves of a borago, do juice. It is recommended to dry a grass in the sun, in well aired place, having spread out a thin layer

Also borago flowers which contain essential oils, mucous substances are in certain cases suitable for treatment. There are they in June-July.

The cucumber grass renders sedative, soft laxative, antiinflammatory, diuretic, sudorific action, stimulates production of hormone of adrenaline, speeds up work of adrenal glands.


For treatment of diseases of kidneys drink fresh juice of a cucumber grass. For this purpose collect the lower leaflets, wash out them water, scald boiled water, turn via the meat grinder and wring out through fabric. Before the use juice of a borago is dissolved with whey or boiled water in equal parts, boiled three minutes. It is necessary to drink juice 3-4 р / day in 30 min. to food, on 3 tablespoons.

For treatment of heart diseases do infusion of leaves and flowers of a grass: two spoons of dining rooms of the crushed dry raw materials fill in 250 ml of boiled water, cover capacity, insist five hours, filter. It is recommended to drink infusion 5-6 р / day on two spoons of dining rooms, in 30 min. to food. Treatment lasts 1-2 weeks.

At a depression svezheotzhaty juice of a cucumber grass helps – it is drunk on a tablespoon by three р / day.

For treatment of gout foment on sore joints from a grass. For this purpose fresh leaves are kneaded, and dry steamed boiled water. Having imposed a grass on a sore point, from above impose polyethylene, wrap up with warm fabric. It is better to do such compresses for the night. It is also necessary to consider that the grass can paint bed linen and fabric for a compress.

At neurodermatitis and skin irritations juice from a borago helps. It is parted with 1:1 waters and after that process affected areas.

At the broken menstrual cycle, rheumatism the dry borago helps: take one tablespoon of raw materials, fill in 250 ml of boiled water, insist it will not be cooled yet, filter. Drink infusion on a tablespoon three р / day.

It is noticed also that use of a cucumber grass helps to facilitate manifestations of a premenstrual syndrome.

Сок огуречной травы помогает при депрессииThe borago can be included in the dietary menu at diseases of vessels, a gall bladder, kidneys, at a heart attack, cardiac neurosises: the plant can regulate a metabolism, to reduce excitability of a nervous system. For the same reason the grass at sleeplessness helps.

At the nervous breakdowns, colitis, joint pains caused by cold at gastritis with low acidity prepare such broth: it is necessary to boil 20 g of leaves 10 minutes in 250 ml of water, on weak fire. Drink broth on a tablespoon 3r/put to food.

As leaves of a borago appear in the early spring, recommend to include them regularly in the diet for reduction of expressiveness of symptoms of avitaminosis.


Because of long use of a cucumber grass work of a liver can be broken.

There is an opinion that it is the best of all to apply to treatment a plant in collecting, and not longer than month.

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