Autumn diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:7 days

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The fall – a time of abundance of vegetables and fruit, besides contains at this time in them the maximum quantity of useful substances therefore the autumn diet allows not only to lose excess weight, but to make it with advantage for health.

Recommended chastota:1 once a year
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

There are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit in the fall, this season perfectly is suitable for carrying out a fruit and vegetable diet which and is called – autumn.

People, inclined to completeness, quite often notice that weight increases in the fall. It is promoted by the first cold weather and an autumn depression when there is desire to stay at home, in a favourite chair and to have hot tea with a roll or sweets. In such situation, growing thin the autumn diet which diet it is impossible to call boring comes to the rescue, at it there is a large number of vegetables and fruit.

Basic principles of an autumn diet:

  • In day there have to be not less than five meals, the portion should do small, avoiding an overeating;
  • In cold days it is necessary to enter hot dishes into the menu. It can be the soups, dishes prepared on a grill in an oven, on couple (and here from frying it is necessary to appear). In warm weather it is possible to be limited to cold dishes;
  • Every day it is necessary to eat at least one portion grain, for example, porridge or a piece of whole-grain bread. Such products contain complex carbohydrates which are necessary for providing an organism with energy;
  • At a daily diet there have to be also proteins – the main material for construction of cells of a body;
  • The bulk of food is used in the first half of day. After a lunch preference should be given to low-calorie food. The dinner has to be a lung.

The autumn diet is more effective if to combine it with exercise stresses. Occupations in a fitness studio, swimming in the pool or walks in the fresh air will approach.

Осенняя диета – эффективная система питания для снижения веса, за неделю можно избавиться от 3-3,5 кг


Autumn diet – an effective power supply system for weight reduction, in a week it is possible to get rid of 3-3,5 kg.

A large number of vegetable food in the daily menu perfectly affects functioning of a stomach and intestines. Thanks to cellulose which it is a lot of in vegetables and fruit intestinal motility improves, slags are removed from an organism, locks are eliminated.

Fruit and vegetables are vitamin-rich, minerals, bioflavonoids, isoflavones, antioxidants and other useful substances. They help to increase immunity, to improve the general condition of an organism that is especially important before approach of winter.

From vegetables and fruit it is possible to prepare a huge number of dishes. It does a diet of an autumn diet various and if to approach business creatively, then and very tasty.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The autumn diet is contraindicated to people with digestive tract diseases, to pregnant women and the feeding women, children and teenagers. The persons suffering from any kinds of chronic diseases before a diet have to consult with the attending physician.

It is necessary to adhere strictly to seasonality – the same diet which is carried out in winter and spring months can lead to deterioration in health as at long storage vegetables and fruit lose a considerable part of the useful properties.

What products are resolved?

During a diet the following products are resolved: fruit and vegetables, fast meat (chicken meat, beef, veal), low-fat fish, skim milk and fermented milk products, whole-grain bread, eggs, porridges, vegetable oil, dried fruits.

During an autumn diet it is sometimes allowed to add a small amount of natural honey to dishes.

As drinks compotes, tea without sugar are recommended, to coffee black and coffee with milk without sugar, pure still water.

What products are prohibited?

 Enter the list of the prohibited products:

  • Fat meat and fish;
  • Semi-finished products, canned food;
  • Smoked, fried food;
  • Fast food;
  • Sugar, sweet products;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol.


Example of the menu of an autumn diet for seven days:

First day

Breakfast: a piece of grain bread with a thin slice of low-fat cheese, coffee with milk without sugar.

Lunch: vegetarian borsch (300 ml).

Afternoon snack: apples, oranges compote and pears without sugar (250 ml).

Dinner: dried apricots cottage cheese casserole (250 g).

Before going to bed: 1% kefir (200 ml), average apple (1 piece).

Second day

Breakfast: a piece of grain bread with a thin slice of low-fat cheese, coffee with milk without sugar.

Lunch: meatless soup from vegetables (300 ml).

Afternoon snack: apples, oranges compote and pears without sugar (250 ml).

Dinner: boiled chicken meat (100 g), a portion of salad (150 g) from a cucumber, tomato, the paprika filled with olive oil (1 h l.).

Before going to bed: 1% kefir (200 ml), average pear (1 piece).

Third day

Breakfast: a piece of grain bread with a thin slice of low-fat cheese, coffee with milk without sugar.

Lunch: Russian cabbage soup on fast meat with a white cabbage (300 ml).

Afternoon snack: apples, oranges compote and pears without sugar (250 ml).

Dinner: boiled white fish (150 g), a portion of salad (100 g) from cabbage, apple, carrots.

Before going to bed: 1% kefir, average peach (2 pieces).

Fourth day

Breakfast: a piece of grain bread with a thin slice of low-fat cheese, coffee with milk without sugar.

Lunch: vegetable baked pudding with spinach and cheese (150 g).

Afternoon snack: apples, oranges compote and pears without sugar (250 ml).

Dinner: a portion of salad (250 g) from a peach, a kiwi, banana, orange.

Before going to bed: 1% kefir (200 ml), average pear (1 piece).

Fifth day

Breakfast: a piece of grain bread with a thin slice of low-fat cheese, coffee with milk without sugar.

Lunch: potatoes baked with sour cream and greens (200 g).

Afternoon snack: apples, oranges compote and pears without sugar (250 ml).

Dinner: the portion of salad (250 g) from prunes, carrots and beet filled with the fat-free yogurt or sour cream.

Before going to bed: 1% kefir (200 ml), average apple (1 piece).

Sixth day

Breakfast: a piece of grain bread with a thin slice of low-fat cheese, coffee with milk without sugar.

Lunch: boiled carp (150 g), sauerkraut (100 g).

Afternoon snack: apples, oranges compote and pears without sugar (250 ml).

Dinner: an omelet from two eggs on milk.

Before going to bed: 1% kefir (200 ml), average nectarine (1 piece).

Seventh day

Breakfast: a piece of grain bread with a thin slice of low-fat cheese, coffee with milk without sugar.

Lunch: pumpkin, vegetable marrows and sheep cheese casserole (200 g).

Afternoon snack: apples, oranges compote and pears without sugar (250 ml).

Dinner: cabbage stewed (150 g).

Before going to bed: 1% kefir, average plums (3 pieces).

Useful tips

Council 1: During an autumn diet it is sometimes allowed to add a small amount of natural honey to dishes.

Council 2: Several times a week for breakfast it is possible to use porridge, it is better to cook it from buckwheat, millet, brown rice.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.