Main > Diseases> Smallpox


Оспа у детейGeneral characteristic of a disease

Smallpox is an infectious viral infection which is capable to affect only people.

The general intoxication and peculiar rashes on mucous membranes and skin after which practically there are always numerous hems are characteristic of this disease. This infection is caused by two types of viruses: the causative agent of natural smallpox (mortality of infected makes 20-40%, and according to some information – about 90%) and the alastrim activator (mortality about 1-3%).

The virus of smallpox natural differs in high stability: several days can remain on linen and in dust of rooms, more than a year remain active in the patient's crusts after exfoliating which are in the dark, and on light – about 2,5 months.

The virus of smallpox perishes in half an hour when heating to 600C, in 1-5 minutes – to 70-1000C and in 6 hours from impact of ultra-violet radiation. For half an hour alcohol, hydrochloric acid, acetone and ether can neutralize a smallpox virus.


The sick person is an infection source from the last days of an incubation of a virus and until falling away of crusts.

The greatest danger is represented by patients at whom symptoms of smallpox have the erased forms that complicates recognition a disease therefore isolation of patients often happens to delay.

However danger is represented not only by the patient, but also things to which he contacted. The infection can be transmitted in both the airborne, and air and dust, contact and household way. Also mechanical transfer of smallpox flies is possible. A susceptibility to an infection at the people who do not have to it immunity, almost absolute. Children are most subject to infection with smallpox. The person who had this infection gains strong immunity for long time, however not for life. The smallpox inoculation provides immunity to a disease for 3-5 years after which the revaccination is necessary.

The virus of smallpox was widespread on all continents, however today this disease is won by means of mass vaccination the countries of the world community. In 1980 it was officially declared eradication of smallpox. Today the virus of natural smallpox is in two laboratories belonging to the USA and Russia, postponed a question of its final destruction of WHO until 2014.

Smallpox symptoms

The incubation interval at the typical course of a disease lasts about 8-12 days.

Such symptoms of smallpox as are characteristic of an initial stage: the fever, fervescence, strong thirst tearing severe pains in a sacrum, a waist and extremities, a headache, dizziness, vomiting. In certain cases the soft onset of the illness, with the erased displays of an infection can be observed.

For 2-4 day the initial skin rash or hemorrhagic rash which is localized on both sides of a thorax up to axillary hollows on the internal surfaces of hips and pleated below a navel joins above-mentioned symptoms of smallpox. The menocelis usually keeps several hours while hemorrhagic – a little longer.

For the 4th day clinical symptoms of smallpox begin to be weakened, temperature decreases, however on skin pockmarks – typical display of this disease appear. Pockmarks begin the existence in the form of spots, then they turn papules which, in turn, become the bubbles turning afterwards into pustules (suppurations). The last stages which pass pockmarks it is formation of crusts, their rejection and formation of a hem. In addition to skin, smallpox rashes which then turn into erosion develop also on a mucous membrane of a nose, a throat, a stomatopharynx, bronchial tubes, female generative organs, on a rectum, conjunctivas and other bodies.

For 8-9 in the afternoon diseases the stage of suppuration of bubbles which is followed by deterioration in health of patients, emergence of symptoms of toxic encephalopathy is characteristic (excitement, nonsense, disturbance consciousness).

Smallpox at children at this stage can be characterized by spasms. In order that pockmarks dried up and disappeared, 1-2 weeks then on a pilar part of the head and a face there are numerous hems are required. At especially heavy disease infected can die to a stage of emergence of rashes.

The smallpox inoculation allows to transfer in case of infection a disease easily and without complications. At vaccinated patients the moderate indisposition, not strongly expressed symptoms of intoxication, not plentiful smallpox rash are observed, pustules therefore hems on skin do not remain are not formed. Also easier forms of smallpox which are characterized by short-term fever, lack of the expressed frustration and rashes are possible. Feature at vaccinated patients is also duration of an incubation interval which makes 15-17 days. Recovery usually occurs in two weeks.

Sepsis, irites, keratitis, panophthalmias, pneumonia, meningoentsefalita, encephalitis can be complications of smallpox.

Treatment of smallpox

Прививка от оспы обеспечивает иммунитет к заболеванию на 3-5 летSymptoms of smallpox are the basis for carrying out specific researches as a result of which the final diagnosis will be made.

Smallpox at children and at adults in most cases has a typical clinical picture therefore also treatment of these age groups similar.

Because effective remedies of treatment of smallpox a long time were absent, magic and "national" methods of disposal of an infection were widely used. Today for treatment of smallpox, in case of need, antiviral drugs and antismallpox immunoglobulin which in a dose of 3-6 ml is entered intramusculary can be used. Not to allow accession of a bacterial infection, drawing on affected areas of antiseptic drugs is reasonable. In case of bacterial complications such antibiotics as cephalosporins, macroleads, semi-synthetic penicillin will be suitable for treatment of smallpox. At this disease the actions promoting an organism detoxication are necessary.

Doctor Gubert V. O. at the end of the 19th century used a smallpox inoculation for treatment of a disease. To daily infected people the vaccine against this infection was entered that allowed to soften smallpox symptoms considerably. On today's it is impossible to tell surely why this way of treatment was not widely adopted.

Prevention of smallpox

Early diagnosis of an infection, isolation of patients, quarantine, disinfection, the prevention of delivery from other countries belong to measures of the prevention of a disease. As medical practice and world history, a smallpox inoculation – the most important and efficient way of prevention of a disease shows.

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Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.