Main > Diseases> Quincke's edema

Quincke's edema

Short characteristic of a disease

Отек Квинке на лицеThe disease known to us as a Quincke's edema is no other than acute allergic reaction of an organism on external irritants. The disease proves extensive and that the most important, sudden cutaneous dropsies, muscles, hypodermic cellulose and fastion. Especially dangerously the fact that the Quincke's edema which symptoms appear at any age often leads to life-threatening states and in the absence of acute management of people can die.

Several words about what is represented by allergic reactions. As a rule, they are understood as any processes which are the response of an organism to implementation something alien, for example, pollen of plants, the poison injected at a sting of insects, or separate food stuffs. All allergic reactions share on slowed down and immediate. The Quincke's edema which treatment has to be carried out urgently belongs to the second type, that is it is most dangerous. At hit of an irritant, the organism of the patient begins to develop a huge number of a histamine. It, in turn, causes the most severe hypostasis of fabrics and numerous disturbances in work of the main systems.

Quincke's edema – causes of illness

Allergens cause puffiness of fabrics, the increased vascular permeability and intensive allocation of mediators (a histamine, cytokines, prostaglandins and some other). Foodstuff, dust, pollen, medicines, cold or a bright sunlight can act as allergen. Because of a variety of provocative factors the Quincke's edema at children and adults poses huge hazard to life, any person cannot foretell what his organism will react next time to.

Quincke's edema – disease symptoms

Originally puffiness of fabrics is observed in lips, a century, cheeks, a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and a scrotum, that is in areas with friable hypodermic cellulose. Hypostasis – dense is also not pressed through when pressing that is connected with high content of protein in the liquid filling it. In most cases education takes place in 2-3 days after emergence. An exception are cases when puffiness of fabrics leads to disturbances in work of internals. So, for example, Quincke's disease which developed in a throat (more than 30% of the registered defeat cases are the share of it), is followed by the "barking" cough, hoarseness, an asthma, skin discoloration. If in time not to render the help at a Quincke's edema, then the patient can die from suffocation.

Quincke's edema – treatment of a disease

As allergic reaction of an organism takes place extremely intensively and is unpredictable, is of great importance, how fast the patient was given help. To wait for arrival of "ambulance" often there is no time therefore you have to know accurately, it is necessary to undertake before arrival of specialists. The pre-medical ambulance at a Quincke's edema includes the following events:

  • eliminate harmful influence of allergen;
  • calm the patient, remove emotional pressure, provide psychological unloading as it will allow to fight against a sudden attack more effectively;
  • provide inflow of fresh air, take off a belt and a tie from the person, undo clothes at a collar if it too densely adjoins to a throat;
  • for stopping of symptoms apply a cold compress to edematous area;
  • dig in a drop nose for vasoconstriction, for example, Naphthyzinum.

Супрастин - препарат для лечения отека КвинкеDoctors have to take care of further. At the diagnosis the Quincke's edema, treatment is under construction on reception of antihistamines (Dimedrol there is Suprastinum). If hypostasis extends on a body too quickly and explicit difficulties with breath are visible, then to the patient glucocorticoid steroids are entered. After normalization of a condition of the person hospitalize in clinic. As a rule, a Quincke's edema at children and adults treat in specialized LOR-departments. In the presence of hypostasis in a throat of the patient transfer to intensive care unit or resuscitation.

The Quincke's edema which reasons are extremely various is treated at observance of a rigid hypoallergenic diet. Are excluded from a standard diet: eggs, wheat, milk, nuts, fish, chocolate, citrus and tomatoes.

Prevention of a disease

To learn when the disease strikes the following blow, it is not possible. The only method of prevention is in avoiding allergens from which the person suffered in the past. If you worry about the health, then be not too lazy to make a strong information card on which are specified: Patient's full name, phone of the attending physician, the most probable allergens and other important data. Such card will help team of doctors to give the most effective help at a Quincke's edema if the trouble takes you unawares.

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