Main > Diseases> Chromophytosis


General information about a disease

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The chromophytosis (one more name of a disease is often used – "multi-colored deprive") is an infectious fungus disease which is caused by sort Malassezia mushrooms. The greatest number of the diseased comes to light in the countries with hot climate, but contagiums not bad feel also in Russia. The peak of a disease of a chromophytosis falls on summer months when optimal conditions for reproduction of a fungus are created. In spite of the fact that the infection does not pose hazard to life and does not lead to an invalidism, it is necessary to be engaged in its treatment all the same. The matter is that scaly multi-colored deprive it is inclined to recuring, and its symptoms considerably reduce quality of human life.

Chromophytosis symptoms

The main symptoms of a chromophytosis are small spots of irregular shape which arise on a breast, a back, shoulders and a pilar part of the head. Usually they have yellow-pink or dark brown color and are characterized by a small peeling. If at the diagnosis a chromophytosis treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, then spots begin to increase in sizes and over time merge in larger centers. Affected areas of skin look very unattractively from the esthetic point of view and cause a noticeable psychological loss. At the same time scaly multi-colored deprive can develop within several years, occupying all new and new areas of an integument.

Causes of illness chromophytosis

The fungus can be present even at skin of the healthy person, but, for the time being, it does not prove in any way. The chromophytosis begins to develop under the influence of provocative factors to which number it is possible to carry:

  • endocrine pathologies;
  • immunity easing;
  • excessive sweating;
  • stressful situations;
  • long stay in the sun;
  • frequent use of antibacterial gels;
  • uncontrolled use of sunbeds.

As a matter of fact, treatment of a chromophytosis is required from the person after emergence of any situations which exerted a negative impact on a condition of an integument. It is especially unpleasant if they fell on summer months as the fungus develops in a heat especially quickly and becomes more active at the slightest influence of external irritants.

Ways of penetration of an infection to an organism

Until recently was considered that to catch a chromophytosis from the sick person very difficult, however, the last researches in this area disprove early conclusions of scientists. Today dermatologists incline to opinion that the chromophytosis can develop not only after personal contacts with infected, but also when sharing household things (bed linen, towels, basts, clothes). Thus, to pick up a fungus quite really even in a fitting room to a cabin of clothing store. The first symptoms of a chromophytosis are shown from several weeks to several months in time. Duration of an incubation interval depends on the state of health of the person and existence of provocative factors about which we already wrote slightly above.

Diagnosis of a disease

Statement of the exact diagnosis of a chromophytosis is carried out on the basis of data of visual survey and the collected anamnesis. To reveal scaly multi-colored deprive iodic test of Balzer after which affected areas of skin become dark brown helps. Besides, doctors quite often use a special lamp of Wood. In its light places of accumulation of fungi give a yellowish luminescence.

Treatment of a chromophytosis

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In recent years there were several effective techniques of treatment of a chromophytosis. Nevertheless, at many patients frequent palindromias are still observed. It is connected with insufficient cleansing of things and household objects. Reaches funny things: completely recovered person is restored to usual life after treatment and, having forgotten about precaution, uses the old towel. Certainly, the diagnosis a chromophytosis is again made to it (the reasons of many such cases are connected with lack of preventive actions and insufficient sanitary cleaning of things).

As for directly course of therapy, success of treatment of a chromophytosis entirely depends on an integrated approach. In fight against a fungus are used:

  • anti-fungal ointments;
  • antibiotics;
  • special shampoos;
  • rubdowns of skin weak solution of salicyl alcohol;
  • regular douches by the acidified water;
  • organism hardening.

At treatment of a chromophytosis drugs have to be chosen not at random but only after consultation with the experienced dermatologist. As a rule, are used: the shelling and fungicidal means, 2-3% yodosalitsilovy alcohol, 3-5% spirit solution of iodine, sulfur-salicylic ointment (it is applied at considerable distribution of a fungus). Quite good results show imidazole derivatives (травоген, Clotrimazolum, a mikospor), allylamines (lamizit) also ultra-violet radiation. Once again we will note that treatment of a chromophytosis quite long and demands an integrated approach from the person. For this reason it is necessary to give up a thought at once to recover by means of exclusively folk remedies and to see a doctor who will advise the most effective, efficient course.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.