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Sheep milk

Sheep milk is traditionally used in the North Caucasus, in Central Asia, Transcaucasia and the Crimea. Also sheep milk is widely used by residents of the countries of the Middle East, Greece and Italy. In these countries special breeds of sheep which during a lactation, lasting from 4 to 5 months, are capable to give to 150 kg of milk are removed. Sheep milk is the very caloric and nutritious product having gentle and slightly sweetish taste. From it produce oil, curdled milk, yogurts, kefir and, of course, around the world gourmets well know taste of cheese from sheep milk.

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Because of a specific smell sheep milk is seldom used in an integral look. Usually from it produce various fermented milk products and cheeses. Nutrients of sheep milk are easily acquired therefore nutritionists recommend to include it in a diet of elderly people and children. However this product comprises a large amount of fats and therefore to the persons inclined to obesity, it is desirable to drink whole sheep milk and fermented milk products from it, having parted them with water.

Structure and properties of sheep milk

Sheep milk is 1,5 times more nutritious than some cow's milk. It is vitamin-rich groups B and vitamin A. Sheep milk is especially useful for pregnant women and children, teenagers. This milk is famous for the antioxidant properties. At its regular use digestion of oxygen and nutrients brain cells therefore memory improves, concentration of attention improves, ability to training increases.

Sheep milk contains about 10% of fat and to 20% of dry matters. In comparison with cow's or goat milk it contains several times more zinc and calcium. Calcium of sheep milk is in a digestible form, besides the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in it is ideal. For this reason nutritionists advise regularly to use sheep milk for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Besides requirements of calcium sharply increase after transferring of catarrhal diseases. Zinc is necessary for health of skin and hair, as well as for the overall good health in general. Sufficient receipt with food of zinc promotes increase in appetite. In this regard sheep milk is recommended to be included in the menu of the people having anorexia.

Protein of sheep milk has smaller allergenic properties, than proteins of goat or cow's milk. Sheep milk is shown at bronchial asthma, eczema and other allergic diseases. Sheep milk protein content makes 5,6%, and the caloric content of 100,0 g of this product – 109,7 kcal.

Only one cup of warm sheep milk drunk for half an hour to a dream will present you a sound and healthy sleep.


Sheep milk and products from it have to be excluded from a diet of the people suffering from individual intolerance (idiosyncrasy) of this food stuff.

Cheese from sheep milk

Thanks to the high nutritious qualities, high content of fat and protein, and also a peculiar smell sheep milk is almost ideal initial raw materials for production of cheeses. In the different countries cheese is made of sheep milk on different technologies and, respectively, is called differently. The following types of cheese from sheep milk are the most known:

  • Roquefort cheese – world-famous French sheep cheese;
  • Provencal cheeses – all of them are made only from sheep milk. The most known among them are Bruss-du-Rov and Pikodon;
  • Sheep cheese – one of types of brine cheese;
  • Feta – the most traditional brine cheese in Greece.

Advantage of cheese from sheep milk

Sheep cheese contains all irreplaceable amino acids. Onbogat protein, microelements, vitamins. Cheese can be compared to a concentrate of milk in which all useful and nutrients contain in much bigger concentration safely.

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Among those people which regularly eat cheeses from sheep milk significantly less diseases of organs of sight, digestive tract are observed. Contents in these cheeses of salts of calcium and phosphorus moreover and in the most optimum ratio is considerable that does their use by an excellent preventive measure of development of osteoporosis, and also promotes reduction of terms of accretion of changes.

Cheese from sheep milk contains more than 30% of fats and it is carried to fat and high-calorific products. Therefore, despite all useful properties, it is necessary to eat it reasonably. So the adult in day should eat no more than 100,0 - 150,0 g of sheep cheese. This quantity will allow to fill an organism with fats, protein, lecithin, mineral salts and vitamins, but at the same time and will not lead to adjournment of excesses of fats in the form of extra kilos.

Cheese from sheep milk is especially useful to pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and teenagers, and also the people doing hard manual work and spending too much energy.

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