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Vegetable diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Продолжительность:от 3 up to 30 days

3,5 of 5

Vegetable diet – a vegetarian power supply system, strictly vegetarian in three-day option, and lactovegetarian in long. It is not recommended to carrying out in the winter and in the early spring, and here in the summer and in an early autumn will bring big benefit for health.

Recommended частота:раз in a year
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

Vegetables are rich with useful substances, first of all, vitamins and minerals. The diet on vegetables allows not only to fill up reserves of useful substances, but also to clear intestines of toxins and slags, thanks to high content of cellulose in a diet. Besides at the low caloric content vegetables provide long sense of fulness. All these properties are successfully used in the Vegetable diet.

It is the best of all to practice the Vegetable diet at the end of summer or in an early autumn when fresh vegetables are present much, and contents at them useful substances most highly. Rules of the Vegetable diet:

  • During the day it is possible to eat up to 1,5 kg of various vegetables;
  • Not less than 4-5 meals a day in the small portions (the principle of fractional food);
  • Not less than 50% of vegetables should be eaten crude, the ferry is allowed to cook, extinguish, bake, process the others, but not to fry in oil;
  • The last meal not later than 3 hours to a dream;
  • Every day it is necessary to drink about 2 l of pure still water.

The recommended duration of the Vegetable diet makes three days. At good tolerance of a diet and during a season of vegetable abundance it is possible to adhere to vegetarian food month, but in this case the vegetable diet should be added with dairy products.

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In three days of a diet it is possible to dump 2-3 kg. If to practice a diet it is long, the speed of a plumb decreases, loss averages 2-3 kg a week that is considered nutritionists optimum.

The diet is well transferred as the organism receives a large amount of useful substances that leads to improvement of health: intestines are cleared and its functions are normalized, there pass migraines, fatigue, sleeplessness, chronic fatigue, skin takes a healthy form.

The vegetable diet is favorable for people with a diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and renal diseases.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The three-day option of the Vegetable diet assumes full refusal of the animal products containing vital substances therefore to practice it is long it is not recommended. At good tolerance it is admissible to prolong it up to 7 days.

If the Vegetable diet is kept more than a week, it is necessary to include dairy products in the menu.

The vegetable diet is contraindicated at diseases of bodies of digestive tract, to the weakened people, pregnant women and the feeding women, children and teenagers.

What products are resolved?

In three-day option of the Vegetable diet are resolved:

  • Vegetables;
  • Fruit (unsweetened grades and in a small amount);
  • Vegetable oil for seasoning of salads;
  • Green tea, coffee, dogrose broth.

In long option of the Vegetable diet dairy and fermented milk products on own taste are added to this list.

What products are prohibited?

  • Potatoes (in long option of a diet new potato is allowed);
  • Sweet fruit;
  • The sugar and all dishes supporting him;
  • Flour products;
  • Grain;
  • Meat, fish, seafood;
  • Fat sauces and seasonings;
  • Fast food, snacks, semi-finished products, preservation;
  • Alcoholic beverages.

Salt is prohibited in three-day option of a diet. In long it is also desirable to refuse it, but if it is difficult to make it, it is necessary to reduce its quantity considerably.


The menu of the Vegetable diet for three days:

First day

Breakfast: fresh vegetables salad, green tea.

Lunch: stewed vegetable marrows or cauliflower, black coffee or green tea.

Afternoon snack: 1 fruit or handful of berries.

Dinner: the grated crude carrots filled with olive oil, green tea.

Second day

Breakfast: fresh vegetables, coffee salad.

Lunch: a portion of stewed eggplants with greens, green tea.

Afternoon snack: 2 tomatoes.

Dinner: fresh vegetables salad, boiled beet, dogrose broth.

Third day

Breakfast: fresh vegetables salad, green tea.

Lunch: the siliculose haricot made in any way, black coffee or green tea.

Afternoon snack: handful of any nuts.

Dinner: sheet vegetables salad.

Approximate menu of one day of a long Vegetable diet:


Fresh vegetables sheep cheese, coffee salad.

Second breakfast

Option 1: glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

Option 2: 1 tomato and 1 cucumber.


Vegetable sour cream soup, fresh vegetables salad, green tea.

Afternoon snack

2 cucumber or carrots, 1 fruit or handful of berries.


Portion of stewed vegetables, dogrose broth.

Useful tips

Council 1: That the menu of a long Vegetable diet was not uniform, from vegetables it is possible to cook casseroles, cream soups, vegetable mixes, cocktails from vegetables with fermented milk products and greens, vegetable stew in pots, vegetarian brochettes on a grill, etc. A variety of dishes reduces risk of failure.

Council 2: The clearing properties of the Vegetable diet will be more expressed if to spend not less than 1 hour a day, walking in the fresh air.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.