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Passive smoking

Passive smoking – inhalation of air which contains tobacco smoking products. Air contains harmful formulation components of smoke from tobacco products (collateral smoke) and the exhaled smoke from the smoking person (the main smoke). When the non-smoking person inhales tobacco smoke, at the same time he receives the same chemical components and toxins, as the smoker. At the same time the person has to be in close proximity to the smoker. Collateral smoke more toxic, than main smoke. The open window does not save the room from cigarette smoke. Smoke from one cigarette can remain indoors till three o'clock. It keeps on furniture, carpets, walls and clothes. According to WHO data, every year perishes from passive smoking about a shestist of thousands of people.

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Influence of passive smoking on a human body

Harm from passive smoking is explained by the fact that tobacco smoke contains about four thousand harmful substances (including about fifty carcinogens), including formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, vinyl chloride, benzene, cadmium and nicotine. Influence of passive smoking on an organism can be both short-term, and long-term. At single influence all harmful components of smoke are quickly enough brought out of an organism and neutralized. Long influence of smoke can provoke cough, short wind, rush of blood to a breast, a headache, goose breathing, a pharyngalgia. Tobacco smoke can also cause dizziness, weakness, to irritate eyes. Regular inhalation of tobacco smoke doubles risk of development of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis. At passive and active smoking the risk of development of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease causing trouble breathing considerably increases. Inhalation of secondary smoke very often leads to development of gastritis. As a result of passive smoking tendency to a diarrhea or to locks sometimes appears.

Harm of passive smoking is that it is the established factor for development of lung cancer. Scientists proved that at the non-smoking people living with the smoker the risk of development of lung cancer increases by 20-30% (in comparison with the people who are not living together with the smoker). By estimates, more than three and a half thousand cases of death from lung cancer occurring in Russia are connected with passive smoking. Smoking increases risk of developing of heart attack, preventing normal work of blood, heart and vascular system. For this reason at already available cardiovascular diseases it is necessary to avoid even short-term influence of tobacco smoke not to suffer from its negative impact.

What dangerously passive smoking for children?

Children are very vulnerable to influence of cigarette smoke. On researches, in Russia in blood of fifty percent of children contains котинин – nicotine decomposition product. Chemical components of the smoke inhaled by the nursing mother get into breast milk. At babies at passive smoking serious infectious diseases of respiratory tracts can also develop. Passive smoking can cause an asthmatic attack in children. Scientists consider that 50000-200000 pulmonary infections (bronchitis, pneumonia) at children are younger than one and a half years develops because of regular inhalation of cigarette smoke. The child passively or actively smoking mother most often is born with reduced function of lungs.

Harm of passive smoking at pregnancy

Passive smoking at pregnancy can serve as the reason of low weight of the newborn that causes further serious violations of sight. Inhalation of smoke at pregnancy considerably increases risk of death of a fruit for the unspecified reason. Under the influence of smoke at a fruit heart rate increases, the placental blood stream decreases that can lead to an abortion and premature births. Children whose mothers at pregnancy smoked or inhaled smoke at passive smoking, further most often suffer from a lack of attentiveness, obesity and a hyperactivity. Scientists found out that at newborns who were vnutriutrobno affected by nicotine in the first days of life touch and physiological reactions, motility and attention are usually weakened. Regular inhalation of smoke increases risk of emergence of the toxicoses of early and late pregnancy which hardly are giving in to treatment. The risk of a complication of conceptions, abortions and the course of pregnancy arises equally, both from passive, and from active smoking. Scientists conducted special researches to find out, than dangerously passive smoking. At women who regularly should breathe tobacco smoke problems with conception arise in 26% of cases, and the risk of an abortion increases by 39%. In total 40-50% of women as a result of passive smoking at pregnancy have these or those problems.

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