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Pepper sweet

The homeland of sweet pepper is America. There pepper grows on the long-term bushes which are not demanding landing and watering. There are many grades of pepper which differ in a form and color. It is accepted to call sweet pepper still "Bulgarian" though why – it is unknown.

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Structure of sweet pepper

Sweet pepper is a champion on the content of ascorbic acid. In it it is even more vitamin C, than in blackcurrant and lemons. Sweet pepper is also rich with group B vitamins, carotene, vitamin P.

Mineral substances are presented in paprika preferential by sodium salts and potassium, and also phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium and calcium.

Characteristic sweet taste is inherent in pepper thanks to the alkaloid which is contained in it to capsaicine that also does it very useful to a stomach.

By amount of minerals and vitamins sweet pepper is really invaluable vegetable.

Properties and advantage of sweet pepper

If to look at its structure, then the advantage of sweet pepper for an organism becomes just obvious. Minerals enrich the general composition of blood, raise a host defense of an organism and prevent anemia.

The vitamins which are contained in sweet pepper help to keep sight, to improve a condition of skin, nails and hair, and also fortresses of vessels promote.

Paprika contains substances which help to get rid of a depression and to return forces to the exhausted organism. It is useful and to the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus.

It is possible to refer to advantage of sweet pepper also its ability to stimulate appetite. Also its use lowers arterial pressure and liquefies blood, well influences work of a pancreas and digestive tract.

Outwardly masks and ointments on the basis of powder of paprika apply from arthritis, neuralgia and radiculitis.

Special value this vegetable gets because of content of vitamin in it P (Rutinums) which promotes preservation of youth of circulatory capillaries and vessels, does all circulatory system strong and elastic. For this reason doctors recommend to use sweet pepper for prevention from atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

It is not necessary to ignore the paprika to the elderly people and people occupied with brainwork as it promotes improvement of memory and helps to concentrate, saves from a stress and sleeplessness, removes stress of muscular and nervous tissues.

Sweet pepper both is useful to women, and to men. To women it helps to keep for a long time youth and health, and at men the hair loss warns. Vegetable is especially urgent for women during pregnancy when hair and bone system are exposed to the doubled loading.

It is necessary to know that all advantage of sweet pepper is concentrated in seeds and about a fruit stem in internal white pulp. Therefore you should not throw out these places – they are the most valuable. Only, unfortunately, in the course of heat treatment vegetable is left by about 70% of useful substances. Therefore it is better to use it in the raw. It is also possible to make juice of the fresh crude pepper, then all its curative properties will remain.

Treatment by sweet pepper

With success use paprika for prevention and treatment of many diseases.

In particular, if to eat daily 40 g of pepper, then the standard daily rate of ascorbic acid is provided to you. And this vitamin warns a set of diseases including cardiovascular – all of us know, vessels in the course of a metabolism are how important.

And if everyone to eat one sweet perchina, then it is possible to promote improvement of sight and to accelerate growth of hair and nails. At tendency to fibrinferments experienced experts recommend to drink 40-50 g of juice of pepper daily.

In traditional medicine sweet pepper is applied to treatment of the following diseases:

  • Puffiness;
  • Depression;
  • Breakdown;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Anemia;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Lack of appetite.
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Judging by amount of minerals and vitamins, sweet pepper harmful cannot be. Nevertheless, at some diseases it is necessary to limit its consumption, and sometimes and absolutely to exclude from a diet. In particular, the hypertension, diseases of kidneys and a liver, gastritis and stomach ulcer with the increased acidity level, coronary heart disease belongs to such diseases.

At these diseases before the use of this vegetable it is better to consult with the attending physician. Similar restrictions are connected with high content in paprika of rough cellulose and essential oils which are capable to cause aggravations.

Whether you know that:

If to smile all twice a day – it is possible to lower blood pressure and to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes.