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Toe fracture

Диагностика перелома пальца ногиFractures of various bones, especially extremities, meet rather often and everywhere. The leading place among them is taken by fractures of toes.

Fractures of toes: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Various external disturbing factors – podvorachivany legs, a bruise, a compression – can become the toe fracture reason. Such changes call traumatic. Along with them distinguish also pathological changes arising owing to some general diseases (osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, cancer of bones, dysfunction of a thyroid gland and others) because of disturbance of durability of a bone tissue.

According to the classification accepted in medicine distinguish the following fractures of toes:

  • closed or opened,
  • with shift or without shift,
  • incomplete or full,
  • located on a nail, average or main phalanx; carry to the same group also the combined changes.


Symptoms of fractures of toes can be both absolute, and relative.

Carry to absolute:

  • unnatural situation,
  • pathological mobility,
  • characteristic crunch when pressing (crepitation).

Relative symptoms are:

  • sharp pain, including at the movement,
  • hypostasis,
  • disturbance of functions,
  • hypodermic or hyponychial hemorrhage.

Intensity of relative symptoms directly depends on localization of a change. To make the exact diagnosis and to be convinced available a toe fracture, except the available relative and absolute signs, the doctor will need to conduct detailed survey of the patient and to be convinced of the actual objective changes on the roentgenogram.

Special case: leg thumb fracture

First of all difference of a thumb of a leg from the others consists in the number of phalanxes – their two. Functionally the main loading when walking is the share of it. Leg thumb fractures often happen intra joint, are characterized by sharp pain and loss of functions. At a leg thumb fracture cyanosis and hypostasis can extend to all surface of foot and other fingers.

Tactics of treatment of a fracture of toe

The nature of a fracture of toe influences the treatment choice. At an open change it is necessary to redeem normal situation of splinters of a bone and surrounding fabrics (reposition), to immobilize a finger (immobilization). In this case introduction of an antirabic vaccine or serum and antibacterial therapy are also obligatory.

If localization of an injury is in area of a nail phalanx, treatment of a fracture of toe is begun with anesthesia. Then from under a nail plate delete a blood clot, carry out an immobilization and fixing of a bone.

Treatment of a fracture of toe in an average and main phalanx most often demands imposing of a bottom plaster splint for 1-1,5 months.

Более точную информацию о переломе пальца ноги может показать рентгенIf disturbance of integrity of bones of a toe is localized in a joint, then surgical treatment by means of spokes, and in certain cases and Ilizarov's device will be required. After the termination of a course of treatment the repeated radiological picture is also necessary. Load of earlier broken finger should be limited.

As the pre-medical help at suspicion of a fracture of a toe it is required to raise a leg to provide outflow of blood and reduction of hypostasis of fabrics in the place of an injury, and also to put to a sore point cold for 15 minutes. Similar measures are recommended also in the first several days after an injury.

For prevention of fractures of toes wearing convenient footwear with an orthopedic insole is recommended.

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